29 Apr 2020

To limit the spread of COVID-19, many governments, municipalities and enterprises world-wide are introducing new health and safety measures to ensure that all entrants to public buildings are screened for above average temperatures. In response to these new measures, Pangea, a global supplier of digital identity and security solutions is announcing the integration of thermal imaging technology as part of its biometric access control and incident management solution.

The thermal imaging technology implemented by Pangea, was first introduced during the SARS outbreak in Asia in 2002 and enables security personnel to scan a continuous flow of people entering a public space or building. Thermal Imaging Access Control technology is faster and more suitable for the movement of masses of people as it does not require people to stop and queue in line while their temperature is taken.

Thermal imaging technology

Biometric and Thermal imaging technology initiatives have been implemented as part of South Korea’s response to COVID-19, helping the country to ‘flatten the curve.’ South Korean government ministries have been working together using a ‘Coronvirus Data Hub’ to provide accurate data about those infected by COVID-19, which has helped manage the spread and reduce new incidences of COVID-19.

South Korea’s experience shows that “diagnostic capacity at scale is key to epidemic control,” says Raina MacIntyre, an emerging infectious disease scholar at the University of New South Wales, Sydney.

Automated thermal imaging technology

This technology offers a non-intrusive, non-contact solution for controlling the spread of viral infections

“Our Geriatric Hospital serves residents with a high risk of contracting COVID-19,” said Deborah Goldberg, Head Nurse, Beit Hadar Geriatric Medical Centre. “The installation of the Pangea Bio-Thermal Imaging Access Control solution gives us and our residents another solution for protection against the virus in these troublesome times.”

For Pangea, a company with over 25 years’ experience in the deployment of complex large-scale digital identity and security projects, the integration of automated thermal imaging technology is an obvious next step. This technology offers a non-intrusive, non-contact solution for controlling the spread of viral infections in large-scale public spaces including office buildings, shopping malls, educational campuses, sports arenas and cultural centres.

Security infrastructure solution

For the enterprise organisation, Pangea can integrate these digital heat sensors with other corporate digital security mechanisms such as biometric face recognition to create a more robust security infrastructure for corporate facilities.

“The outbreak of COVID-19 has changed the world and is expected to have a significant impact on our daily lives, today and in the future,” says Rafi Kaminer, CEO and Founder of Pangea. “We think government and enterprise organisations need to take on a new “social role and responsibility” to keep people safe from potential COVID-19 individuals who may infect others."

"In Israel, only Pangea has the expertise and technology to help public and private sector organisations roll out an automated bio-thermal imaging solution as part of our broader safety and security infrastructure solution for any type of facility, at any scale, anywhere in the world.”