22 Dec 2015

OT Systems introduces the comprehensive ET Series self-configured Ethernet switches and IET Series smart Ethernet switches. Both of these product lines are designed with simple installation and easy-to-use interface in mind, and will perform pre-defined Layer 2 network traffic management functions with a single click. No need for PC configuration.

PoE and Broadcast Storm Control

Both self-configured and smart Ethernet switch series support high power PoE (30W max.) and are capable to support power hungry devices such as PTZ IP cameras. The switches also support broadcast storm control (reduce to 1%) to ensure that uninterrupted in case any unwanted broadcast/multicast/unknown data flooding is experienced. It increases the network stability.

Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)

The ET Series self-configured switches support IGMP with one-click set up to greatly reduce the network bandwidth required. It allows a network device to send data to multiple network devices at the same time. It enables the bandwidth hungry IP surveillance system to ultilise multicasting in the data transmission between the cameras and video management system, saving significant network bandwidth.

Quality of Service (QoS)

The IET Series smart Ethernet switches support QoS to ensure the critical data can always be delivered in real time. It utilises the traffic’s p-bit in the VLAN in 4 to 8 queues for traffic management. Since the queues use strict priority (SPQ), the low priority queue can transmit data only when the high priority queue data is transmitted and cleared. This ensures that important data, such as voice and video, can always pass through the switch in a congested data environment.  

With the above sophisticated features, our self-configured and smart Ethernet switch series provide an affordable solution for IP surveillance and industrial applications that require simple network management.