14 Mar 2023

The National Security Inspectorate (NSI) will host two expert sessions at The Security Event and the inaugural Professional Security Officer Live event taking place next month on 25-27th April at the NEC in Birmingham.

On Wednesday 26th April at 12:30 in the Security In Practice Theatre, Matthew Holliday, NSI’s Director of Approval Schemes will explore "How does cyber security affect security systems?"

Professional Security Officer Live Event

Events will be of interest to frontline officers, senior management plus procurers of guarding services

Matthew will examine how cyber security is affecting the fire and security sector, how it might be implemented, at both an organisational level and installation level at customer sites, plus who should take responsibility for the different elements of cyber security and the risk to organisations if not defined. He will also share an update on some of the latest developments in relation to regulation and standardisation in the UK and EU.

On Thursday 27th April at 13:00 in the Professional Security Officer Live Theatre, Clare Rogers NSI’s Senior Operations Manager - Services will highlight "Why frontline staff and buyers are involved in the audit process – the value and outcomes?" 

By shining a spotlight on why site visits with staff and buyers are important to the certification audit process, Clare will discuss the challenges and explain how greater involvement can add value and improve outcomes. This session will be of interest to frontline officers, senior management plus procurers of guarding services.

UK’s security sector

Bringing together 250+ exhibitors, 10,000+ industry professionals and a tailored education programme across the three days, The Security Event provides a valuable opportunity for those working in the UK’s security sector to connect and keep up to date with the latest technologies, products, services and insights.

As an official Event Partner, NSI invites approved companies and those interested in gaining independent certification to attend and chat with the NSI team on stand 4/L45 to learn more about how certification can deliver best practice, improve efficiencies and enhance performance for the benefit of businesses and clients alike.

Co-located within The Security Event

Security Event provides a valuable opportunity for those working in the UK’s security sector

Co-located within The Security Event will be an exciting new addition: "Professional Security Officer Live" at which NSI is also delighted to be an Event Partner.

This new event showcases an exhibition area and conference programme dedicated to UK front-line professionals and guarding services providers. 

Bringing together wide-ranging security solutions across multiple environments this hub is designed to help security personnel to more effectively address challenges with a focus on improving security performance and standards.

Latest developments

Both events provide highly informative, interactive environments for those working within the sectors, serving as a one-stop-shop to keep up to date with the very latest developments, hear from the sectors’ thought leaders and meet with colleagues.

NSI CEO Richard Fogelman commented: “Having recently taken over at the helm of NSI, I am very much looking forward to attending these upcoming events to meet with representatives from approved companies, stakeholders and those interested in learning more about independent certification."

"Enabling more companies to benefit from best practice to improve efficiency and performance is central to raising standards within the security and guarding services sectors, particularly in today’s business environment and NSI is committed to helping organisations operate more effectively and mitigate risks.”