10 Sep 2022

Security industry professionals are invited to attend The Emergency Services Show, taking place at the NEC, Birmingham on 21-22 September. Acknowledging the key role that the private security industry can play as the ‘fourth emergency service’, the show features the First Responder Theatre with CPD-accredited seminars.

A new feature for 2022, the two-day seminar programme is designed to improve collaboration between the emergency services and security industries, and look in depth at emerging industry topics including the expected impacts of Martyn’s Law.

Discover innovative technologies

Free-to-attend, The Emergency Services Show brings together all disciplines from the emergency services sector to discover innovative technologies and operational solutions, share experiences and unite in a collaborative approach to public safety.

The Emergency Services Show brings together all disciplines from the emergency services sector

Global security commentator and former Senior British Military Intelligence Officer, Philip Ingram MB will open the first day in the First Responder Theatre with a review of the state of global security and the impact for first responders. He also rounds out the final day with a session looking at global first responder priorities during the current international instability, including lessons from Ukraine.

Private security industry

Lee Doddridge, Director of Covenant will lead a session detailing the expected implications of Martyn’s Law for the security industry in The Protect Duty - legislating for a basic level of security preparedness, what could we see? Nick Aldworth, Director of Risk to Resolution and author of the Protect Duty legislative proposal returns to this hot topic in The Protect Duty - mobilising society to protect itself from terrorism. Ronnie Megaughin, Head of Compliance & Inspection at the Security Industry Authority will also consider how the private security industry can enhance public safety in the context of the Manchester Arena Inquiry Volume 1 Report Findings.

Robin Dallaway, CEO of Working the Doors will look closely at how the police can work better with front line security services. Two speakers from the City of London Police will lead a session on Project Servator, giving an overview of how the police and organisations, venues and events are working to disrupt the information-gathering of hostiles planning attacks.

Hostiles planning attacks

The Future Policing Theatre will address key challenges in policing today including digital policing

Eric Stuart, Chair of the United Kingdom Crowd Management Association chairs a panel discussion on security as the fourth emergency service. Mike Hurst, Director of the International Foundation for Protection Officers UK & Ireland will cover education and career development for security professionals. Additional seminars will look at other further key issues for the industry including collaboration with the police and all emergency services, crime prevention, body worn video, wellbeing and mental health, cyber security, retail crime, incident preparedness and creating safer communities.

Five further CPD-accredited seminar theatres at The Emergency Services Show will cover Future Policing, Emerging Technologies, Lessons Learnt, Health & Wellbeing, and the College of Paramedics. The Future Policing Theatre will address key challenges in policing today including digital policing, future proofing the police workforce, cybercrime, and the law enforcement response.

Latest innovations and technology

The Emerging Technologies Theatre will showcase the latest technologies and innovations to improve incident response. The Lessons Learnt Theatre will focus on learning from real-life events and how to share best practice, ideas, and innovation.

This year’s Emergency Services Show will be the biggest yet with more than 450 exhibitors

This year’s Emergency Services Show will be the biggest yet with more than 450 exhibitors. Visitors have the unique opportunity to see, handle and experience the latest innovations and technology, and discuss their individual requirements with suppliers. Leading names exhibiting include: 5.11 Tactical, Audax, Black Rainbow, Blucher, Blue Light Services, Defence and Security Accelerator, Draeger, Heroquip, Halo Technologies, Hexagon, Inventry, Lenco, MSA Safety, Nightsearcher, and Vimpex.

Protective clothing and uniforms

Among the latest equipment and services for the security sector being showcased are connectivity & communications, cyber security, IT, data management, body-worn video, drones, vehicles and vehicle equipment, protective clothing and uniforms, medical supplies, drug testing, training, and community safety.

In the networking hub of the show, The Collaboration Zone, some 80 emergency services, voluntary groups, charities, and NGOs will be sharing details of the support they offer, while members of other partner agencies will be available to discuss co-response and partnership working.