20 Jul 2023

The CEO of the National Cyber Security Centre has called for robust security systems in the early development of AI, amidst concerns that proper security measures are being overlooked. 

As businesses race to develop new AI products, a former intelligence chief explained that malicious attacks could have a “devastating” effect due to the rate AI is being developed in comparison to security.

UK’s AI whitepaper

AI is set to play a huge role in many aspects of everyday life, from homes and cities to high-end national security, however, as businesses rush to develop products and secure their position in the market, the risk of misuse could act as a threat. 

The news follows the UK’s AI whitepaper, released earlier this year, which aims to put the UK on course to be the best place in the world to build, test and use AI tech after investing £2.5 billion in the emerging technology since 2014.

AI-enabled cyber-attacks present new challenges

AI-enabled cyber-attacks present new challenges for security teams, adding increased complexitiesSuid Adeyanju, CEO of RiverSafe, commented: “AI-enabled cyber-attacks present new challenges for security teams, adding increased complexities for organisations when protecting their devices and their data. Businesses evaluate their defence strategies to adapt, boosting their cybersecurity capabilities to ensure they are prepared for when an attack happens, either directly against their organisation or along the supply chain."

Suid Adeyanju adds, "Upskilling cyber workforces and ensuring diverse teams that can offer new and innovative ways of thinking to elevate expertise is an important part of the solution to defend against the new AI-powered threats. For businesses to protect themselves against the imminent and increasing threat of AI in cyber, strategies must be reassessed and more robust processes must be introduced.”

Lindy Cameron, CEO of the NCSC, commented: "The scale and complexity of these models is such that if we don't apply the right basic principles, as they are being developed in the early stages, it will be much more difficult to retrofit security."