29 Jun 2020

The world has changed with the COVID-19 pandemic. There are many new challenges and regulations. MOBOTIX’s intelligent video technology can support companies, institutions, public as well as private facilities during the crisis and in the restart after the lockdown. MOBOTIX has bundled the available "back-on-track video technology solutions" for its partners and customers to help get them up and running quickly and effectively.

This makes it easier for industries and sectors such as retail, restaurants, airports, train stations, municipalities, industrial, service companies and educational institutions to "get back on track." MOBOTIX automates the "back-to-business restart" with professional analysis and thermal imaging technology, with an array of optional apps in the latest MOBOTIX 7 generation cameras and specially-developed add-on solutions from MOBOTIX’s global Partner Community.

Highest cyber security

Only the consistent adherence to rules and regulations will drive further improvements in this pandemic"

The hardware and software of MOBOTIX can be adapted and converted at any time for numerous alternative industry-specific tasks, always with the highest cyber security.

"Only the consistent adherence to rules and regulations will drive further improvements in this pandemic. By doing so we will hopefully move together successfully towards ‘normal life and work.’ It is a good feeling when we can support and accelerate this with our technology," says MOBOTIX CEO, Thomas Lausten.

Entrance control system

In many shops, schools and public buildings there are updated capacity limits for the number of visitors, customers or employees. To determine the current numbers, all entrances and exits must be checked. MOBOTIX video technology can do this reliably, automatically, and effectively - without the need for additional personnel. An entrance control system can be installed indoors or outdoors, for example, using a traffic light system or an automatic door control system.

The MOBOTIX video analysis technology also allows the cumulative recording of the current number of people in complex and multi-story buildings using all cameras installed at the entrances and exits. Supporting Social Distancing "Social Distancing" is a widely used term. It describes the observance of minimum distances and is intended to reduce the risk of infection. MOBOTIX technology can also provide support here.

Face mask detection

In addition, sensitive zones, such as sterile zones in hospitals and nursing homes, can be better monitored and protected

It does not monitor whether the minimum distance is maintained in all areas, but rather checks whether it could be maintained in general within heavily frequented areas. For example, video technology can detect overcrowding - e.g. in waiting areas or at checkouts - and resolve it by means of visual and acoustic warnings. The capacity and crowding of people are not the only concerns, of course. In many public areas, face masks are also required.

It must be ensured that proper protection is worn. Partner solutions that rely on MOBOTIX technology can detect when face masks are worn and trigger alarms or warnings if violations occur. In addition, sensitive zones, such as sterile zones in hospitals and nursing homes, can be better monitored and protected.

Recognising temperature abnormalities

MOBOTIX TR (Thermal Radiometry) technology makes it possible to measure thermal radiation - even from people. Although MOBOTIX thermal technology does not replace medical devices, they can help analyse critical situations in order to escalate to further measures. It allows anomalies to be detected and reported. Identified persons can then be subjected to further examination and referred to medical personnel.

"Our technology helps customers not only in times of crisis. MOBOTIX video security systems are valuable to our customers well beyond the crisis," says Lausten. “The high-end video systems can be used, adapted or converted at any time for numerous additional and new industry specific tasks. Our intelligent solutions cover much more than just security applications. For example, they offer outstanding potential in process optimisation or improving a service organisation. The investment in MOBOTIX video technology is and remains future-proof," says the MOBOTIX CEO.