29 Aug 2019

Kings Secure Technologies has provided high-level security and protection to one of its leading clients since 2011. Due to this successful long-term relationship, Kings was commissioned to begin a project, which started in 2019, to update the existing access control system with the latest high security card and card reader technology.

With facilities working 24/7 the challenge faced was to find an easy-to-install edge technology card reader that could be configured onsite to read multiple card technologies where required and be field upgradable with any new advances in security.

With these complex requirements in mind, Kings turned to Third Millennium to provide the most advanced technical solution available in the market.

RX range of card readers

The project also required the implementation of biometric dual authentication for the more secure areas

Kings utilised Third Millennium’s RX range of card readers which incorporates the second evolution of NXP industry-leading MIFARE® DESFire® EV2 open architecture platform. Third Millennium’s PC09 Mifare DESFire EV2 cards offer superior performance, state-of- the-art security, privacy and enhanced multi-application support such as follow me printing and vending, to name just two.

In addition to the RX4 and RX1K readers, the project also required the implementation of biometric dual authentication for the more secure areas. Third Millennium’s RX6 biometric reader uses a template on card application which means that there is no requirement to maintain a separate database of biometric information.

The RX6 compares the finger template on the card with the finger being scanned and releases the card data if the two match. Because of the high security requirement, a custom encrypted key ties the readers to the cards thereby preventing card cloning or data bugging.