30 Nov 2023

Mayflex, the distributor of Converged IP Solutions, has recently picked up an award to celebrate their achievement and partnership with Suprema. 

SGPP Conference

The awards were presented at the Suprema Global Partner Programme SGPP Conference held in Bali on 15th-17th November.

Mayflex Sales Director, Ross McLetchie collected the award on behalf of Mayflex from Hanchul Kim the Chief Executive Officer for Suprema Inc.

Reliable, customer-focused solutions

Their extensive product range brings technology and simplicity into one"

Ross McLetchie, Mayflex Sales Director commented “I was delighted to attend the conference on behalf of Mayflex, Suprema is a key partner for us when it comes to access control.

"Their extensive product range brings technology and simplicity into one to create reliable, customer-focused solutions that are easy to install and use.” 

Product features and benefits

Ross continued “The Mayflex sales team is regularly trained and updated on the Suprema range to ensure that they can support customers with choosing the right products for their requirements."

"In addition, we have working examples of the full range of Suprema products in our M-Tech demonstration room at our headquarters in Birmingham, so customers can check out the features and benefits and familiarise themselves with the range.” Ross concluded, “Finally, I would like to take the opportunity to thank Jamie McMillen and the rest of the UK Suprema team for their continued help and support."