13 Jun 2023

Security breaches and unauthorised access to sites can have devastating consequences, posing risks to valuable assets, infrastructure, and even human lives. To mitigate these threats, it is crucial to employ effective security measures from the outset of a project to ensure the level of protection specified is robust enough to suit the needs of the premises.

In recent years, LPS 1175-rated security gates have gained widespread recognition in the UK for their resilient and robust properties. When implemented as part of an integrated approach to physical security, these gates help to boost the delay power of a site while also deterring and denying opportunistic intruders who attempt to gain unauthorised access to premises or site, ensuring a higher level of protection and response readiness.

Layer up!

An integrated approach to security need not be exclusively applied to ultra-high security sites that are completely off-limits to the public. This approach can be applied to every site that requires protection. From high-security facilities like data centres and water treatment plants, which are crucial for public safety, to business parks that need open access during the day and security measures at night.

Residential requires integrated security measures, such as front and back fencing and CCTV

Even schools, where deterring trespassing, truancy, and theft of valuable equipment is essential, while maintaining a welcoming environment, can benefit from integrated security solutions. Residential properties also require integrated security measures, such as front and back garden fencing, CCTV surveillance, alarms, and security lights.

Concept of integrated security

The concept of integrated security emphasises the need to combine multiple security measures into a cohesive and interconnected system. It goes beyond relying on a single security feature and acknowledges that a layered approach is more effective in deterring potential threats and ensuring comprehensive protection.

Adopting a "layered" approach to security is widely recommended – increasing the level of physical defence as trespassers move deeper into the site and closer to critical assets. Work towards the "5 Ds" of perimeter security:


Visual deterrence such as security fencing and toppings, can discourage intruders before they even attempt to breach the site if it appears to be too physically or technically challenging to breach.


Detecting trespassers by surveillance and subsequently raising the alarm and initiating a further investigation. For example, motion detectors and CCTV.


Access control solutions, such as card-swipe systems control who can get onto your site and where they can go once inside.


Maximising the time taken for an attack to breach the perimeter once detected. Slowing down an intruder with methods like road blockers can offer valuable time to clear a security breach.


The innermost ring of safety usually involves your security team or the police apprehending the intruder.

Ask the experts

Helpful advice and guidance can be obtained from various government bodies and respected third parties. The bodies listed below offer help, advice and insights.

  • NPSA – The National Protective Security Authority (formerly CPNI). The UK’s National Technical Authority for physical and personnel protective security. It works to make the UK less vulnerable and more resilient to national security threats.
  • SBD – Secured by Design. An organisation working with police forces to improve the security of buildings and immediate surroundings. It aims to achieve sustainable reductions in crime through effective design.
  • LPCB – The Loss Prevention Certification Board. Part of the BRE group which sets the standards needed to ensure that fire and security products perform effectively. Its RedBook Live is a good resource for specifiers looking for products that have been thoroughly checked independently.

An unbreakable boundary

Security fencing and gates serve as critical components when considering integrated security solutions to safeguard premises and assets from potential intruders. Their primary objective is to prevent unauthorised access, providing an essential barrier between valuable infrastructure and those seeking unlawful entry. 

Security fencing and gates serve as critical components when considering integrated security solutions

By employing robust security fencing solutions, organisations can significantly reduce the risk of security breaches, physical attacks, and disruptions to essential services.

In the context of national infrastructure, security breaches and physical attacks pose a grave threat to essential services and public safety. Any disruption or compromise in these critical sectors can have severe consequences, ranging from financial losses to casualties and even loss of life. Therefore, it becomes imperative to establish resilience against such threats by identifying and implementing the right security solutions.

Highly robust and resistant access control  

In recent times, LPS 1175-rated security gates have emerged as a highly regarded choice across the UK due to their robust and resistant properties. These gates are specifically designed to delay and deny illegal access, forming an integral part of a comprehensive physical security system.

The LPS 1175 standard is widely recognised and provides an objective benchmark for the performance and effectiveness of security products.

Strength of LPS 1175-rated security gates

The strength of LPS 1175-rated security gates lies in their ability to withstand deliberate and determined attacks, including forced entry attempts, using a variety of tools. These gates are rigorously tested against a range of intrusion scenarios, ensuring their reliability and effectiveness in real-world situations.

Strength of LPS 1175-rated security gates lies in their ability to withstand determined attacks

By incorporating LPS 1175-rated security gates within a multi-layered security strategy, organisations can enhance their overall security posture.

The gates act as a visible deterrent to potential intruders, while also providing a physical barrier that significantly slows down unauthorised access attempts. This delay allows more time for security personnel to respond, thereby minimising potential damage or harm.

Keeping watch

Once an integrated security solution has been installed, regular maintenance is essential to verify the proper functioning of the layered security system. Routine checks should encompass all aspects of the security infrastructure, including surveillance cameras, access control systems, alarm systems, and any other components. Through proactive monitoring and maintenance, potential vulnerabilities can be identified and addressed promptly, ensuring the system remains reliable and responsive.

In an era of increased security concerns, it is imperative to prioritise the protection of valuable assets and premises. LPS 1175-rated security gates, along with a comprehensive physical security approach, provide a formidable defence against unauthorised access and potential security breaches. By embracing these robust security solutions, organisations can enhance their resilience, deter potential intruders, and safeguard critical infrastructure, ensuring the safety and continuity of essential services.