12 May 2023

Jacksons Fencing, a British manufacturer of high-security perimeter security solutions, has extended its line of tested and certified security gates that are specifically designed to meet the unique perimeter security requirements of different sites.

Recognising that every site has its own security perimeter needs, Jacksons Fencing has worked to extend its offering of security gates to provide architects and specifiers with the flexibility to customise a site's perimeter according to its specific purpose.

B1 range of security gates

All the gates have been rigorously tested and accredited to LPS 1175 Issue 8

The range of security gates is available in single and double-leaf swing options of various heights and widths. All the gates have been rigorously tested and accredited to LPS 1175 Issue 8, offering ratings of A1, B1, and B3, ensuring that they meet the standards required for applications that need protection against forced entry.

The range complements Jacksons’ existing LPS 1175 fencing solutions with A1 (SR1) and B3 (SR2) rated gates, while the new B1-rated gates help to break away from SR1-SR5; Issue 7 ratings commonly still quoted by architects and specifiers.

Perimeter security and access control solutions

Jacksons Fencing is proud to already deliver integrated perimeter security and access control solutions for a wide variety of applications; from military bases and mental health hospitals to data centres and other Critical National Infrastructure.

Currently, in its 76th year of business, Jacksons Fencing is really utilising the potential of the latest Issue 8 iteration of the LPS 1175 standard to enable architects and specifiers to better understand and employ the multiple layers of the system. This will ultimately provide greater flexibility and potentially save on costs by avoiding over and under-specifying.


This provides the opportunity for specifiers to extend their knowledge and embrace the 48 possible ratings in Issue 8 of the standard, providing tailored solutions with more appropriate levels of security.

As it stands, most LPS 1175 fencing products are rated using the latest classification system, but because many of them have been upgraded from Issue 7, their ratings still correspond with the SR1-SR5 scale (A1, B3, C5, D10, E10), so flexibility with choosing an appropriate product is still restricted. The new B1 gates will help to provide a midway point between A1 (SR1) and B3 (SR2).

New standard

Peter Jackson, MD, Jacksons Fencing comments, "We believe that by offering products that help to fill the gap and fulfill the potential of the standard, we can help push the security standard forward and support our customers further."

He adds, "Most products on the market are rated in line with the new system but match the old SR1-SR5 categories which can be confusing and have a far less realistic scope for security ratings. By providing more clarity and understanding of the newer standard, we can make it easier for specifiers to align themselves with Issue 8 of the standard."

LPS 1175 rating

Our new security gates range is an important addition to our existing LPS 1175 fencing range"

Peter Jackson continues, "Our new security gates range is an important addition to our existing LPS 1175 fencing range. By providing a solid line of physical defence, we are ensuring that our customers have the best possible protection for their perimeters. The gates are designed to be fully integrated with our existing fencing range, offering a complete solution for high-security applications."

He adds, "The LPS 1175 rating is essential for high-security projects, and our range of high-security gates has been tested and accredited by BRE. This gives our customers peace of mind that they are investing in a solution that meets the highest standards."

Proportionate levels of protection

Commenting on behalf of BRE, Richard Flint, their Technical and Commercial Lead for physical security stated, “We are delighted Jacksons Fencing have embraced the opportunities presented to them and their clients by the matrix style classification system defined in LPS1175: Issue 8."

Richard Flint adds, "The classifications introduced in Issue 8 enable manufacturers to demonstrate the delay their products provide against a range of threat levels, supporting clients who wish to specify proportionate levels of protection tailored to the threats they face and response times they can rely on.”

The new high-security gates range is available and Jacksons Fencing is confident this extended offering will prove popular with customers who require robust high perimeter security.