23 Mar 2022

Iridium Communications Inc. announced an ultra-low bandwidth video transmission technology from a new Value-Added Developer (VAD), VideoSoft Global. Running over the Iridium Certus® service, Videosoft's FireLight solution enables the live transmission of video from as low as 4 Kbps to and from anywhere in the world.

Bandwidth-efficient video

The solution supports secure live video, audio, and data delivery for viewing, command, and control, and processing in real-time for a variety of applications. Government entities can use it for security and surveillance; the maritime and aviation industries for beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) video delivery from manned and unmanned vessels and aircraft; and land-based users for operations at fixed sites or on-the-move around the globe.

The compression and transmission of live, bandwidth-efficient video over the Iridium® network also support IoT applications, disaster response efforts, and transportation and critical infrastructure monitoring.

Cost-effective video transmission

FireLight's capability to support live video transmission opens the door for countless critical applications"

"Traditional live video transmission requires a significant amount of bandwidth and can be costly to users. FireLight's capability to support live video transmission over Iridium Certus from as low as 4 Kbps opens the door for countless critical applications," says Bryan Hartin, Executive Vice President, Iridium.

"With the addition of VideoSoft's video compression technology, cost-effective, weather-resilient, and reliable video transmission everywhere in the world is now another value-added service available for our customers."

Video applications

"Videosoft is delighted to bring the capabilities of ultra-low bandwidth video to Iridium and its user base – working together to provide the very best in performance of network and application, to deliver real-world benefits to customers," adds Stewart McCone, CEO, Videosoft.

"Our FireLight solution is a real enabler of video applications previously thought not possible; it's a true game-changer."

Connect peoples and assets

FireLight is compatible with a wide variety of Iridium and Iridium Connected® satellite terminals built to operate using the Iridium Certus 100, 200, or 700 services. Iridium Certus is an advanced L-band satellite service platform, offering the flexibility to scale device speeds, sizes, and power requirements both up and down based on the needs of the end-user.

Beyond serving solely as a connectivity solution, Iridium Certus provides a platform for Iridium's partners to develop specialised broadband, mid-band, and narrowband applications to connect people and assets.