23 May 2023

Enterprises and authorities commonly utilise several different solutions and ICT environments (cloud, hybrid, and SaaS) where data needs to be protected using strong encryption.

While encrypting the data may be simple, carrying out secure, simple, and sustainable key management is not. As cyber threats increase, controlling the entire process securely is becoming even more important.

Easy-to-use, centralised encryption

The Finnish technology company Insta’s new Insta Key Vault key management service provides secure and efficient processes, as well as reliable tools for easy-to-use, centralised encryption key management. 

All encryption keys are centrally managed, and the information being protected is stored separately from the encryption keys. This enables the safer use of cloud services, as well as transferring data to another platform. Multiple supported interfaces allow flexible integration of different applications into the service.


The service is provided according to best practices from our audited Insta Service Center"

Mika Suvanto, Product Manager for Insta Key Vault service explains, "The new Insta Key Vault service supports the ever-increasing information security and cyber security requirements (i. e. GDPR) fully and cost-effectively. The service is provided according to best practices from our audited Insta Service Center under the exact control and oversight of our top experts." 


"It can be scaled and tailored flexibly to meet various needs. Our customers get centralised visibility into keys and critical information. The centralised service makes key management in complex multi-cloud environments significantly easier," adds Mika Suvanto.

Decades of strong PKI experience

Insta has broad experience and a strong offering in PKI services, which are trusted by customers for various needs in industry, financing, the public sector, and telecommunications. 

Insta produces a managed PKI service with a high level of security and availability as a service for customers from ISO 27001-certified service centre. 

Expertise and reliability

Insta was the first WInnForum-approved CBRS PKI Root of Trust operator, offering WebTrust audited PKI services

An example of Insta's international-level expertise and reliability is that Insta was the first WInnForum-approved CBRS PKI Root of Trust operator, offering WebTrust audited PKI services for the CBRS (Citizens Broadband Radio Service) ecosystem.

Many important service providers are part of the ecosystem. 

Centralised, secure, and simple management

"The modern security environment is complex with its various systems. We are managing information security and reliable communications for companies, authorities, the defence sector, and actors in charge of critical infrastructure, all while maintaining an extensive scope and constantly seeking new solutions."

"Our new solutions, such as the Insta Key Vault key management service, enable the centralised, secure, and simple management of critical data," says Suvanto. 

Insta Key Vault key management service

The service can be used effectively by organisations handling sensitive data, such as GDPR data

Insta Key Vault key management service is especially targeted to the Nordic market. The service can be used effectively by organisations handling sensitive data, such as GDPR data, in multi-cloud environments.

Insta, a specialist in smart technology and cyber security, presents its new services and products at Critical Communications World, an event arranged at Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre on May 23–25, 2023. Insta will be at booth E75. 


New Insta Key Vault – Manage encryption keys and protect data

  • Control and visibility: centralised key management according to best practices.
  • Certified security and high availability.
  • Experienced security experts: 30 years of experience in PKI, certifications, encryption keys, and HSM devices. 
  • Flexibility and scalability.
  • Insta Service Center: monitoring, maintenance, and superb customer support.