25 Jul 2017

Information security is one of the most popular ICT topics in Russia. Local companies have an increasing demand for information security solutions due to increasing cyber attacks, both in number and sophistication.

First English webinar

InfoSecurity Russia Team hosted the first webinar on Russian market insights. Large buyer, value added distributor and a global vendor successfully operating on Russian market shared their best practices and market entry tips.


  • Denis Batrankov, Palo Alto Networks Russia, Information security Consultant


  • Andrey Akinin, Web Control (one of the leading value-added distributors in Russia), CEO
  • Lev Paley, System operator of the Unified Energy System of Russia, Head of IT Security Department

Topics for discussion

Over the course of the webinar, participants learnt about import approved technologies, purchasing policy of the key customers on the market and current market demand. They also spoke about market entry tips, different ways of defining your partner, different types of local distributors and many more.

Questions discussed:

  • Steps to take when entering the market
  • Main issues with encryption
  • Requirements for cryptographic tools in Russia
  • How to sell to the government sector
  • Evaluating market demand on a certain niche
  • Opportunities for security consulting and services in Russia
  • How to find the right distributor