16 Mar 2017

Identiv, Inc. announces that it has been awarded the sustainable, environmentally responsible ISO 14001:2015 standard and the new quality management ISO 9001:2015. ISO (International Standards Organisation) defines parameters for compliance with the highest standards of quality, environmental responsibility, and other characteristics of world-class organisations’ operations across their materials, products, processes, and services.

Upgrade to latest ISO standards

In late 2016, Identiv made the strategic decision to upgrade its certified ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System to the latest ISO 2015 standards and, in addition, to add the current ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System for its Singapore RFID and Transponder production site. The Singapore site has been ISO 9000 certified since 2002. The internationally acknowledged ISO 14001 Environmental Management System certification recognises companies that have adopted environmentally responsible practices in their business processes.

“Identiv’s local quality team spent the last six months providing organisational guidance to achieve all of ISO’s certification requirements in these categories,” said Dr. Manfred Mueller, Identiv Chief Operating Officer. “After thorough review of our quality and environmental management systems, our third-party auditors concluded that Identiv’s management systems met all of the updated requirements and certified our organisation to the new ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards.”

Enhanced focus on improvement

Major changes to the ISO standards include an increased focus on continuous improvement, which helps ensure a more integrated global focus on initiatives with a specific focus on improving Identiv’s OEM and end-user customer experience. The new standards emphasise value for both the company and its customers. Leadership and management commitment are also areas of increased focus in the new ISO standards. Expanding Identiv’s focus in these areas helps ensure accountability at all levels of the organisation and facilitates the transition of top-level goals into tactical action plans.

“In line with its sustainability strategy, Identiv is striving to minimise its environmental footprint by increasing energy efficiency and continuously improving measures taken to protect people and the environment,” said Foo Yong Lee, Identiv Vice President of Operations. “Identiv is proud to be one of the first technology firms to achieve certification for both of these new 2015 standards.”