9 Jul 2021

A large US grocery store chain needed to stop paying costly service charges to maintain its outdated TDM PBX voice system.

The organisation wanted to implement a new IP-based communication solution across all locations. However, the customer was very concerned with the potential disruption and high costs to rip-and-replace the existing CAT3 voice network.

Limitation of standard switches 

The customer was relying on an aging, analog phone system and wanted to upgrade to a Unified Communications platform across all new and existing stores. However, like most businesses, the analog phones were supported with CAT3 wiring infrastructure, with many cable runs going well beyond the 328ft (100m) reach limitations of standard Ethernet switches.

The customer was experiencing several challenges and was concerned with high costs & time requirements 

The customer was experiencing several challenges and was concerned with:

  • The extremely high cost and time requirements needed to remove and replace the existing, yet reliable CAT3 infrastructure
  • Loss of revenue and business disruption during the modernisation process
  • IDF closet requirements to support the new IP phones in all areas of the grocery stores, given the limited reach of standard Ethernet switches

The grocery store chain was unsatisfied with traditional LAN design and delayed the project to search for an alternative solution.

NVT Phybridge PoLRE® switch

The customer learned about the award-winning NVT Phybridge PoLRE® (Power over Long Reach Ethernet) managed switch and engaged with one of their digital transformation experts to learn more.

The PoLRE switch delivers Ethernet and PoE over a single-pair UTP wire with up to 1,200ft (365m) reach – that’s four times the reach of standard Ethernet switches.

The customer was excited to see the solution in action and organized a no-obligation proof-of-concept to test the solution in their environment.

IP infrastructure changes

In just a few simple setup steps, the PoLRE switch transformed the customer’s existing voice infrastructure into an IP backbone with more than enough bandwidth to support the new IP phones.

PoLRE’s extended reach capabilities ensured that the new IP phones were deployed exactly where the customer needed them without the need for multiple IDF closets along the way.

The customer was impressed with the switch’s ability to deliver PoE over the existing single-pair UTP cable at distances up to 1,200ft instead of the usual 328ft. The customer also found the security features and intuitive web GUI of the switch very attractive,” said Darragh Hogan, Product Support Manager at NVT Phybridge.

Reduced costs and complexity 

With NVT Phybridge PoLRE switch innovation, the customer was able to reduce network readiness costs 

By leveraging the NVT Phybridge PoLRE switch innovation, the customer was able to reduce network readiness costs, deployment time, and complexity associated with infrastructure requirements.

After the successful implementation at the first location, the customer modernised the remaining locations using the PoLRE switch to achieve incredible results.

  • Achieved over $5 million in infrastructure cost savings
  • Leveraged the existing and proven voice infrastructure to create a physically separate and secure IP voice network
  • Significantly reduced the deployment time, accelerating the return on investment
  • Eliminated business disruption as no construction was required

Repeatable, predictable, and scalable 

The existing voice infrastructure topology at every store is the same, point-to-point. By leveraging this proven and reliable infrastructure, the customer was able to simplify its modernisation with a repeatable, predictable, and scalable deployment experience across every location.

The customer was able to significantly reduce the deployment time and save over $5 million, thanks to the NVT Phybridge PoLRE switch.