Global Gaming Expo Asia (G2E Asia), Asia’s casino and gaming conference and trade show, will kick off on May 16 this year at the Venetian Macao. While its finger firmly remains on the pulse of the Macao gaming industry, the three-day event will feature an Integrated Resort Experience (IRE) at the core of its 2017 offerings, in direct response to the Macao government’s call to attract a market beyond pure gaming enthusiasts.
Integrated Resort Experience (IRE)
Along with developing non-gaming attractions, Macao is energetically looking to develop its MICE businesses with the objective to mirror the success of the other global gaming mecca - Las Vegas. In recent years, the American city has managed to make non-gaming activities its most dominant revenue generator by drawing a much wider demographic of pleasure seekers.
The Integrated Resort Experience (IRE) will be a hot topic this year, as casinos seek new ways to attract visitors beyond gaming purists to Macao, and diversify revenue streams. Reflecting the casino industry’s increasing reliance on non-gaming amenities and attractions, the IRE will be a surefire G2E Asia 2017 highlight. In a first for G2E Asia, the IRE will centralise sourcing of new products, technologies and services that drive revenue and value from non-gaming sources from entertainment, clubs, bars, IR technology and business solutions. These will all be geared towards customers looking for the ultimate experience beyond the casino floor.
Strong market research
The G2E Asia show team has laid extensive groundwork to create an expo based on a thorough understanding of market needs. Through in-depth face-to-face and one-on-one meetings with key casino operators, CIOs, IT leaders, and Heads of Operations, the show team’s exploratory talks have empowered it to pinpoint the specific purchasing requirements and budgets of visitors.
G2E Asia 2017 will feature digital display integrated systems, security solutions, augmented reality, big data analytics, and CRM, as well as a broad array of solutions that can improve patrons’ experience and boost operational efficiency. As a result, opportunities for tech and solutions providers will be greatly enhanced.
G2E Asia 2017 exhibitors
Hong Kong-based Regal Crown Technology, a Fintech company that offers customised payment solutions and services to clients and merchants worldwide, will showcase its comprehensive system integration solutions at G2E Asia 2017. These allow users to conveniently and securely use payment platforms.
Oracle will launch Oracle Hospitality, a new global business unit dedicated to helping the hospitality sector accelerate its move to the digital economy |
Also, onsite, Arbor Networks, a vital line of defense that secures the world’s largest enterprises and service providers from DDoS attacks and advanced threats, will feature network visibility solutions that enable fast malware detection and mitigation. Among its products will be the Arbor Cloud for multi-layered DDos Protection, the Arbor Networks APS which provides out-of-box protection for complex application-layer DDoS attacks, and the Arbor Networks Spectrum which is designed specifically for security teams to search the entire network to uncover, investigate, and prove sophisticated attack campaigns within minutes.
The US-based tech corporation, Oracle, will launch Oracle Hospitality, a new global business unit dedicated to helping the hospitality sector accelerate its move to the digital economy. Centred on the technology and expertise of MICROS Systems, a company with over 35 years of experience in the hospitality sector, Oracle Hospitality will offer unprecedented scale and innovation to customers with its solutions in use at hundreds of thousands of hospitality sites across the world including hotels, restaurants, cruise operations and other venues on seven continents, helping those enterprises compete more effectively in a business landscape fundamentally reshaped by disruptive technologies such as social, mobile, cloud and big data.
G2E – Global networking event
G2E is more than just a trade show, it is Asian gaming’s most substantive global networking event of the year, with numerous complementary events and talks designed to help industry players connect and share insights. Other than seeing exhibits and solutions demonstrated on the show floor, the CIOs, IT, and Heads of Operations within the gaming industry have expressed a strong desire for the creation of a networking event targeted at IT heads from Macao and across Asia.
In addition to roundtables and content on major industry issues, the “Future Technology Leaders Get-Together” Networking Event will be another welcome addition to the expo. This compelling opportunity will be the ideal platform for 120 future technology leaders from integrated resorts, suppliers, and governments to convene, exchange, and inspire as they discuss the application of innovative tech solutions to drive customer engagement and enhance efficiencies throughout the industry.