1 Oct 2019

More than a hundred people, including customers, associations and friends of the company, attended the opening of Fermax Madrid's new commercial office in Leganés (Madrid) on 24th September. A spacious and elegant 300 metre space that has been designed according to Fermax's business vision and is based on the principle of proximity to the customer.

Fermax’s Madrid commercial office

The new commercial office will attend to the entire market of the Spanish Central Zone in a more agile way

Jeremy Palacio, Managing Director of FERMAX, and the Management team, wrapped in this opening act Fermax Madrid's team led by Claudia Torrico. The new commercial office will attend to the entire market of the Spanish Central Zone in a more agile way thanks to the advantages of having this strategic location. Furthermore, this new office has a large training area for their clients.

In his welcome speech, Jeremy Palacio highlighted the importance of 2019 for the company, a special year because of Fermax's 70th anniversary. In this regard, he reminded affectionately the words of Fermax's founder, Mr Fernando Maestre Martínez, who recently passed away, "A great businessman, great person, humble and close, who always committed on building relationships in the medium and long term, with employees, customers and suppliers".

Changing the video entry paradigm

In addition, the Managing Director also stressed the company's ability to adapt to change and that the 2020-2021 biennium will be key for Fermax as the company is working to ‘change the video door entry paradigm’. Finally, he pointed out that the objective of the new Madrid's office opening is to grow business volume in the central zone of Spain, which "thanks to the ambitious schedule of planned product's launches and the high quality of customers in the area, we are sure that we will achieve".

After the speech, guests enjoyed together with all Fermax Madrid and Fermax Headquarters team a cocktail in a festive atmosphere and a fun personalised photocall to take a souvenir of the event. The address of the new Fermax Madrid headquarters is Av. de Manuel Azaña esquina Av. del Conde de Barcelona, 28914 Leganés, Madrid.

Global expansion

The inauguration of this space is proof of how the company is able to combine the attention to the national market, in which it is a global player, with an ambitious international projection that has led Fermax to implant the company in the whole world, with 7 subsidiaries in Belgium, China, Spain, France, Poland, United Kingdom and Singapore and 4 representative offices in Colombia, Dubai, Portugal and Turkey as well as distributors in more than 70 countries.