25 Feb 2022

Digitalisation, working from home, teleconferences – coronavirus has propelled everyone into the future. Internet, whenever and wherever the user wants. Transfer speeds? Data volume? There are seemingly no limits to user requirements. Is it all to be expected?

Yes, if Fiber Service OÖ GmbH was on site beforehand. The Upper Austrian company ensures that data flows without a hitch – especially in remote and sparsely populated areas. Fiber Service OÖ is responsible for the expansion of the fibre optic cable network in Upper Austria, making the highest transfer bandwidths accessible to even structurally weak regions.

Fibre optic infrastructure

By building the fibre optic infrastructure, it is laying the foundation for the data highway that will link Upper Austria with the rest of the world. Martin Wachutka, CEO of Fiber Service OÖ GmbH, explains: "We are implementing the objectives of the European Union and the Broadband Austria 2020 Initiative to bring about the expansion of the fibre optic network across all of Upper Austria. This also includes areas that are not profitable enough for commercial providers."

Fiber Service OÖ wanted an easy-to-operate, electronic access solution for its fibre optic local exchanges

Fiber Service OÖ wanted an easy-to-operate, electronic access solution for its fibre optic local exchanges that was scalable, secure and that could be managed with maximum flexibility. This is because it's not only Fibre Service employees who enter the infrastructure provider’s facilities; it's also external service providers in particular, such as planners, construction and installation companies, but also network operators.

Providing additional control

The solution required capacity for over 22 POP locations with more than 160 contributors: this was flexible and location-independent plus access via electronic devices. AirKey gives all authorised users the access they need, whether they are employees, service providers or network operators. Continuous logging provides additional control, increasing site security.

Wachutka continues; "However, the most valuable benefit is that it makes our day-to-day work easier thanks to the scalability via the EVVA online portal. I can easily expand or restrict access as I wish, assign authorisations, add new accesses or simply allow access using the Send-A-Key feature. What I am particularly pleased about as a tech-savvy person,” stresses Wachutka, "Is that we no longer need keys. We lock everything using smartphones, RFID cards or tags."