25 Jan 2023

Euralarm has released a position paper on the Cyber Resilience Act. The position paper provides Euralarm’s view on the elements of the proposed Cyber Resilience Act that should be kept for the published legislation, identifies some unclarities that, if maintained, would lead their manufacturers into some legal uncertainty, and proposes several amendments to the text.

Cyber Resilience Act

The Cyber Resilience Act is the proposal for a regulation on cybersecurity requirements for products with digital elements. The Act is meant to bolster cybersecurity rules to ensure more secure hardware and software products.

There are many principles implemented by the proposed CRA that are appreciated by Euralarm as positive contributions to the European single market.

Improvement proposals 

However, Euralarm’s assessment of the proposed regulation and its discussions with the CRA team at DG CONNECT have identified some room for improvement in order to ensure legal certainty for the manufacturers and proportionality of the scope and the categorisation while maintaining the overall objective of increasing the cyber resilience of the European society.

Euralarm has highlighted the room for improvement by providing argued concerns and putting forward proposals in its position paper to clarify the text and render the regulation better proportionate. Euralarm invites the co-legislators to carefully consider them.