28 Jan 2020

ETSI's new Industry Specification Group on Securing Artificial Intelligence (ISG SAI) announced that they met recently for their second meeting and appointed Alex Leadbeater (BT) as the Industry Specification Group’s new Chair. Dr. Kate Reed (NCSC) was appointed as First Vice Chair and Tieyan Li (Huawei) was appointed as Second Vice Chair.

The second meeting of the ISG SAI, after the launch of the group in October 2019, was also the place to discuss work priorities and future scope of action.

Industry Specification Group

ISG SAI will work on securing AI from attack, mitigate against malicious AI and using AI to enhance security

The Industry Specification Group on Securing AI (ISG SAI) was created to develop technical specifications to mitigate threats arising from the deployment of AI throughout multiple ICT-related industries. The group will work on securing AI from attack, mitigating against malicious AI and using AI to enhance security measures. The purpose of the ETSI ISG SAI is to develop the technical knowledge that acts as a baseline in ensuring that artificial intelligence is secure.

I am delighted to be appointed as the Chairman for this exciting new group. Ensuring the security of Artificial Intelligence is a vital topic that affects many stakeholders and I look forward to seeing what work the group produces as it begins its work programme in earnest,” says Alex Leadbeater, Chair of the Industry Specification Group on Securing Artificial Intelligence (ISG AI).

AI Threat Ontology report

The ISG AI group will create an AI Threat Ontology report to align terminology, a Problem Statement that will guide the work of the group, a Data Supply Chain Report summarising the methods used and risks associated with sourcing data for training AI, a mitigation strategy report with guidance to mitigate the impact of AI threats, and security testing of AI.

The next meeting of the Industry Specification Group on Securing Artificial Intelligence (ISG SAI) will be held in Sophia Antipolis, near Nice in France on 2 – 3 April 2020.