20 Nov 2018

Edesix, a provider of Body Worn Cameras (BWC), announces that it has teamed up with retailer Asda to enhance in-store security. After a successful trial, which began in 2016, there are now over 900 Edesix VideoBadges being utilised in over 250 sites nationwide, with more growth expected in the near future.

Edesix collaborated with CBES, Asda's preferred security installer, to design and install a tailored wearable CCTV deployment system perfectly suited to the retail giant's needs. Edesix and CBES worked closely at Asda's national security centre and across four store deployments to provide them with the knowledge and expertise so the cameras could be rolled out in the remaining stores with minimum impact on store efficiency.

Improved colleague security

Asda has been able to improve colleague security, diffuse aggressive and volatile situations and reduce valued investigation time

This system, which is intuitive to use and requires minimum training, has enabled staff to integrate the cameras into their daily working processes with minimal fuss.

As a result of this partnering strategy, which relied on both the innovative nature of Edesix's technology and communication between all parties, Asda has been able to improve colleague security, diffuse aggressive and volatile situations and reduce valued investigation time, thus reducing costs. Since the deployment, Asda has proven the viability of these cameras by securing numerous convictions relating to theft and violence against staff.

Confrontation preventer

Richie McBride, managing director of Edesix, explains: "Asda, along with CBES, identified the need to re-think its key security policy around challenging aggressive behaviour towards staff. In searching for a technology partner, CBES chose Edesix as their BWC provider, to deploy initially to the most affected stores, eventually rolling out to over 250 sites across the UK. The aim was to improve the safety of colleagues in public facing roles and shoppers within the stores, whilst producing compelling evidence when needed."

The Body Worn Cameras act as a confrontation preventer, as it is proven that members of the public are far less aggressive to staff members"

McBride adds: "The Body Worn Cameras act as a confrontation preventer, as it is proven that members of the public are far less aggressive to staff members if they know they are being filmed."

Winning major contracts

Edesix, which was recently acquired by US-based security specialists Vigilant Solutions, has enjoyed a great deal of success lately, ranging from winning some major contracts with the likes of UK prisons, Scotrail and South Australian Police, to being named in the Sunday Times Hiscox Tech Track 100 league table.

Edesix currently supplies markets across the globe, through direct sales and international partners, to geographies including the UK, Europe, USA, Canada, the Middle East and Australasia.