2 Sep 2016
BriefCam’s Video Synopsis tool tags each incident, allowing operators to isolate individual, relevant incidents for viewing, from a single click

Digifort has partnered with BriefCam to offer operators exceptional forensic search and review functionality, from within its open platform video management software (VMS) platform.

“Briefcam is a powerful video search tool, which integrates with Digifort’s intelligent data processing to make surveillance systems far more effective,” explains Francois Levy, Digifort Business Development Director for EMEA. “BriefCam enables operators to locate specific incidents quickly using a range of simply applied search criteria.”

Quick reviewing of incidents

Video data from Digifort is uploaded from each camera channel. BriefCam’s intelligent algorithms use metadata to extrapolate objects and activity from within each camera video stream. This is done using search criteria such as object size, colour, direction, dwell and speed.

Each incident is tagged, allowing
operators to isolate individual,
relevant incidents for viewing,
from a single click

BriefCam’s Video Synopsis tool takes all the video data that matches the search criteria, from many surveillance hours, and overlays it onto a new video lasting just a few minutes. Each incident is tagged, allowing operators to isolate individual, relevant incidents for viewing, from a single click. For example, a search of all yellow cars travelling on a highway between 13:00 hrs and 15:00 hrs would show all occurrences overlaid onto just a few minutes of video. The operator can quickly identify the specific car of interest and by clicking it, instantly view the full video of its movement.

Enhanced VMS search and integration features

Francois stated, “Adding BriefCam to any Digifort VMS system allows users to identify unseen and unreported events; significantly reduce data searching times by using specific object features; process evidence very quickly; reduce operator search times and costs and export and share data effectively.”

Applications where BriefCam has experienced great success already include transport infrastructures, airports, stations, retail outlets, town centres, car parks, warehouses, industrial and commercial sites.

BriefCam has developed its technology partnership with Digifort to allow powerful integration opportunities with other site security and management tools, such as fire alarms, intruder, access control and building management systems.

Digifort is excited to work with BriefCam and offer customers enhanced search features alongside its high specification intelligent VMS solutions.

An unlimited number of secure client PCs, tablets and smartphones can access and view the Digifort system.