Card manufacturer and ID specialist Databac Group will unveil market-leading solutions for card printing and visitor management at the 2018 SICUR exhibition. Highlights of its stand include CardExchange software for visitor management and card production, and Matica XID8600 desktop card printer and the latest advancement in RFID technology.
Both modules of CardExchange software will be shown by Databac at the show. The producer module allows users to create templates, connect to multiple databases, capture photos, signatures, biometric data, scan documents, print and encode a plastic card or even labels, tickets or wristbands. The visitor module enables users to track the movements of visitors, create and manage events, run background checks and print visitor passes and reports. This powerful suite of software will be up-and-running at SICUR to enable visitors to see its rich functionality first-hand.Databac produces personalised and encoded RFID products at its manufacturing plant in Surrey, UK
High-security applications
The Matica XID8600 will demonstrate card printing and encoding. Offering 600dpi ultra-high-resolution card printing, this high-end machine perfectly serves the high-security demands of ambitious ID card applications, such as national ID programmes and drivers’ licences. Since most of these projects require personalisation on both sides of the card, the XID8600 comes with a built-in flipper module for maximum efficiency and speed. Visitors to the Databac stand will be able see its accelerated action.
For those who prefer contactless technology, Databac will have a range of RFID solutions on display. The company produces personalised and encoded RFID products at its manufacturing plant in Surrey, UK. Besides cards, Databac offers tags, key fobs, wristbands, labels and even RFID screws and nails.
This, plus a complementary range of cards and wearing accessories, will represent a complete overview of the latest ID solutions, concentrated on the stand of the industry’s specialist in identification.