23 Aug 2017

The Fire Department in the village of Crestwood, Illinois, is set to benefit from faster response times and safer journeys with the implementation of an Opticom™ traffic preemption solution from Global Traffic Technologies, LLC (GTT). The Opticom Emergency Vehicle Preemption (EVP) system works alongside intersection controllers to help ensure emergency vehicles can move through intersections quickly and safely.

Decreasing incident response times

A total of 17 intersections in Crestwood have been equipped with the Opticom EVP system. When an emergency vehicle needs to navigate an intersection, the system onboard the vehicle sends a request to the intersection’s controller ahead of its arrival. If the request is granted, the light turns green and the vehicle gets a clear path through the intersection. The result is a decrease in incident response times and a safer journey for both Fire Department personnel and Crestwood residents.

Fast and efficient passage to scene of incidents

Crestwood is located 17 miles south of Chicago’s Loop and is home to more around 11,000 people, who live in two townships: Worth Township and Bremen Township. Crestwood Fire Department was established in 1961, and provides the village with both firefighting and emergency medical services.

GTT’s president Jason Lund said, “GTT is proud to provide the Village of Crestwood and Crestwood Fire Department with an Opticom EVP system. This will help improve operational safety by allowing Fire Department vehicles fast and efficient passage through busy intersections and to the scene of incidents.”