14 Nov 2022

ConnectWise, the globally renowned software company dedicated to the success of IT solution providers (TSPs), announced multiple product news milestones and innovation-accelerating partnerships spanning its product and service portfolios.

From innovation in business management, to remote monitoring and management, to cyber security, these offerings, powered by ConnectWise’s modern Asio platform, are designed to help partners save time, reduce costs, secure their environments, strengthen customer experience, and improve profitability.

ConnectWise’s Asio platform

ConnectWise anchored its innovation story around the Asio platform, which launched last year

ConnectWise anchored its innovation story around the Asio platform, which launched last year, with many new products and services now benefitting from this modern engineering approach. With this modern, unified, open, and extensible platform, partners can expect infinite scalability, intelligent automation, value-added reporting and insights, and a common user interface.

The company also showcased its ability to move from ideation to implementation at a more rapid speed than before—even daily at times—to deliver updates and enhancements across the portfolio.

Future-proof the TSP channel

In order to future-proof the TSP channel, as they navigate the infinite edge of computing, ConnectWise is moving towards more rapid innovation with the Asio platform as our centralised data layer that can scale with predictive and consultative AI,” said Jason Magee, ConnectWise’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

Jason Magee adds, “The partnerships and improvements we’ve announced today are examples of the breadth of services we can bring together in a way that is meaningful for partners, powerful in its extensibility, and rooted in secure development principles.

A variety of new offerings were announced during the product keynote of IT Nation Connect demonstrating these priorities. Just a handful of examples include:

Supporting TSPs with relentless automation

ConnectWise PSA (Manage) now has an ITBoost overlay, where partners can link-to and access ITBoost data

Navigating through multiple platforms may take only a ‘few clicks’, but when done hundreds of times a day, that work adds up. Integrations spanning various ConnectWise products bring these functions into a single pane of glass.

ConnectWise PSA (Manage) now has an ITBoost overlay, where partners can link-to and access ITBoost data within tickets and the broader system, without leaving the PSA. Similarly, integration with SmileBack, a ConnectWise solution, merges customer feedback directly into the Service Desk module. The company also showed off the Microsoft Intune integration with ConnectWise RMM, which allows partners to see compliance status of all devices without needing to click into each Intune tenant.

ITBoost and Wise-Sync solutions

Attendees got an up-close view of a refreshed ITBoost, a ConnectWise solution. ConnectWise has invested significantly in ensuring the knowledge ITBoost provides to partners is readily available. Scalable business management tools, like being able to perform bulk actions and mass updates on core assets, custom templates within ITBoost, are critical to MSPs' success.

The company also touched on its intentions with Wise-Sync, a ConnectWise solution, a payments automation company recently acquired by ConnectWise. Partners are already benefitting from the Wise-Sync integration with ConnectWise PSA, and Wise-Pay for ConnectWise CPQ and the company pointed towards an intent to expand Wise-Pay to PSA. Mobilising the importance of payments is another component ConnectWise is solving for MSPs.

Strategic alliance between ConnectWise and Arrow

Managing a variety of similar solutions across a breadth of products puts further burden on TSPs cash flow. Long-term, ConnectWise expects Asio to be the go-to hub to present the right solution at the right time at the right price from the right vendor through the right supplier with a clean experience weaving it all together.

The strategic alliance ConnectWise announced with distributor – Arrow yesterday is just one example of this. Today, the company also announced key integrations with ConnectWise CPQ (Sell) to enhance the quoting process, streamline quote creation and billing reconciliation, and reduce the need to chase clients for payments. These include a Wise-Pay integration that eliminates accounts receivables burdens, ensuring timely payments; and new integrations with Amazon Business and Anixter.

Putting data to work for TSPs

The industry-renowned dashboards from BrightGauge, a ConnectWise solution, are now available across other products

The industry-renowned dashboards from BrightGauge, a ConnectWise solution, are now available across other products in the ConnectWise family of solutions. BrightGauge and SentinelOne enable partners to raise visibility of when threat actors may be at work.

BrightGauge with ConnectWise RMM allow partners to visualise health scores, status, and summary of clients’ devices. And BrightGauge paired with ITBoost demonstrate ways to stay on top of asset expirations, how your documentation is getting used and more. Bringing data from multiple sources into a single dashboard has a powerful impact with many partners already benefiting from these powerful insights.

Provide an outstanding experience

ConnectWise is striving to be easier to do business with and ensure our partners are able to take similar ideologies forward to their clients. SIEM Executive Reports are designed for MSPs to pass pertinent details and insights on to their clients outlining the number of potential attacks that were blocked, demonstrate the effectiveness of the tools, and help MSPs communicate the value and effectiveness of their security services to their customers.

With talent shortages as an international challenge and recognising employees are often the drivers of a business’s reputation, ensuring employee satisfaction is more important than ever.

ConnectWise RMM with new policies and packages feature

ConnectWise introduced a new policies and packages feature within ConnectWise RMM that can push necessary software to various libraries of technology types based on preconfigured settings.

Features like this simplify the manual tasks for technology employees, freeing up time for them to focus on strategic priorities.

Helping TSPs secure themselves and their customers

ConnectWise announced that it has expanded its cyber security portfolio to offer increased capabilities

ConnectWise announced that it has expanded its cyber security portfolio to offer increased capabilities, in some cases by teaming up with other providers to architect best-in-class solutions.

ConnectWise Vulnerability Management automates routine scanning of an environment for exposures and vulnerabilities, giving end-users visibility towards potential cyber risk and areas, where incremental security investments could deliver the best protection.

SASE by ConnectWise and Exium

SASE by ConnectWise and Exium offers end-point protection from malware and data leaks, with a suite of technologies partners typically have to purchase individually. This unique partnership provides secure internet access for users and zero-trust access to cloud and on-premises resources, through a cost effective and modern cloud-based SASE platform.

IAM by ConnectWise and Evo extends protection for MSP-centric multi-factor authentication, single sign-on and elevated access for MSP administration to defend against the most exploited attack vector, partners’ employees themselves.

ConnectWise solutions purpose-built to launch quickly

Whether starting from scratch or expanding services to an existing cyber security practice, ConnectWise solutions are purpose-built to launch quickly and deliver outstanding client security outcomes.

For partners who want assistance building their cyber security practices, the ConnectWise Partner Programme offers enablement, marketing support, sales support, investment funds and more - those in the programme have grown their cyber security practices four times faster than others.