13 Feb 2018

Are you talking about cabling, software that needs to be installed, megabits per second and hardware to the prospect? Don’t do it, because you’re probably just confusing them. Is that the way Nest or Ring goes to market? Quite the opposite - they focus on how the user’s lives will be more convenient and safer.

Here’s the way to make security simple for the customer- cloud-hosted integrated platforms that manage every technology through a single common interface. So why are many dealers making security difficult for their customers—when it’s easy to sell, install and manage every part of it through one platform?

Think about the end-user with numerous branch locations, or multi-tenant properties. If you really want to turn them off and away from your company’s services—offer different platforms to control intrusion, access control or video separately—and watch their eyes glaze over. Or, watch as they depart for another security provider who really knows how it should be done.Connect ONE and the cloud is an enabling technology for managed services

Muiltiple management options

The cloud and Connect ONE from Connected Technologies simplifies managing security, access control, mobile credential access, video, energy management and critical environmental monitoring processes for dealers and their customers.

Now, they can execute management and control functions via the web and view all locations through the same standardised interface. There’s no need to log into different programs or apps—everything is in one place for instant accessibility and control.

Connect ONE and the cloud is an enabling technology for managed services. Security dealers and their customers can fully manage security and integrated services while providing a flexible solution with multiple management options that work best for their customers and the dealer’s business model.Customers get the convenience they want with smartphone and internet-connected operation

Cloud-powered managed services

The cloud provides managed services with little or no upfront cash outlay. Providing managed services, customers will perceive added value, providing dealers with a new recurring revenue stream.

One common interface makes everything simpler across the board for sales staff, support, technicians and the end user customer. Your customer gets the convenience they want with smartphone and internet-connected operation and dealers have the ability to easily add new services as desired–a great differentiator for your company. There’s no need to make security complicated. When you do, you risk losing new business and possibly current customers.