27 Feb 2014
Elia Transmission replaced their mechanical cylinders with electronic CyberLock cylinders

Elia Transmission develops, operates, and maintains the high-voltage power grid throughout Belgium. The grid is comprised of more than 5,000 miles of underground cables and lines, eighteen thousand radio towers, and 644 transformer stations.

Elia is responsible for ensuring that only authorised personnel gain access to high voltage areas and was struggling with key management issues. With so many keys in circulation, it was difficult to perform investigations and formulate appropriate corrective action plans after issues were uncovered.

In search of a way to increase their security and key control, Elia began evaluating alternative access control systems. It was quickly determined that a hard-wired solution would not be feasible at their remote locations. They had also considered electronic locks with wireless communication; however, due to the high electromagnetic fields around their facilities, there was doubt about the reliability.

Elia then evaluated the CyberLock electronic access control system. After trialing the system it was determined that CyberLock met their requirements. Elia replaced their mechanical cylinders with electronic CyberLock cylinders, quickly increasing security while preserving their existing infrastructure.