21 Jul 2015
Internationally acclaimed crisis management expert Bruce Blythe will speak about understanding the violent mind

AlliedBarton Security Services, the industry's premier provider of highly trained security personnel, will host a seminar on the Components of a Comprehensive Workplace Violence Preparedness Programme on Wednesday, August 19, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Memorial Health Auditorium located at 4700 Waters Ave., Savannah.

Expert guidance

Bruce Blythe, an internationally acclaimed crisis management expert, will speak about understanding the violent mind and offer components for implementing a comprehensive violence preparedness programme.

"Since we never know where hostilities will arise, the guidelines provided are applicable to work and personal settings," said Blythe. "Once you understand the common patterns of the violent mind, you will be in a better position to help influence it in desirable direction."

Blythe is the owner and chairman of Crisis Management International, Inc., which provides employers with a continuum of crisis preparedness services. He is the author of Blindsided: A Manager's Guide to Crisis Leadership, as well as a certified clinical psychologist and a consultant to the FBI on workplace violence and terrorism.

Media interested in attending this event are encouraged to RSVP to the press contact in this release.