2 Dec 2014
Security Partners has purchased a facility in Las Vegas because of its strategic location

Security Partners, one of the fastest-growing security monitoring companies in the United States, recently announced it will soon be adding its fourth North American location, in Las Vegas, next spring.

Security Partners has purchased a facility in Las Vegas because of its strategic location, and the favourable environment for conducting business on a national basis. The company will continue to maintain its West Coast operation in the Anaheim area for sales/administration, dealer support, and to accommodate the continued growth of its interactive monitoring services and dealer base, there.

“This is a terrific opportunity for both Security Partners and our dealers, as we will be constructing a state-of-the-art facility to work hand-in-hand with our existing branches in Southern California, Lancaster, PA. and San Antonio, TX.,” said Michael Bodnar, president of Security Partners.

After a careful and thorough search, company officials identified the perfect building - a former government data centre that is already equipped with many of the top security features expected from a Security Partners monitoring operations centre.

“We will soon begin extensive renovations on our new facility, just minutes off the Las Vegas strip, from which we can capitalise on the 24-hour nature of the city to recruit and train the best security professionals in the market,” said Steven Ipson, vice president of operations, Security Partners.

During this expansion, Security Partners is fortunate to have three UL/CSAA Five Diamond certified operation centres to ensure that not one emergency call will be delayed when it brings the Las Vegas operation on-line in the spring.

“Security Partners is getting even stronger with our newest operation centre, adding to our redundancy, and ability to balance alarm load in the future,” added Bob Schott, director of information technologies, Security Partners.