29 Nov 2011 Whether one's a supplier, system integrator, installer or consultant, the challenge of finding an alternative PROX technology reader has been made a little easier. Idesco's Access 8 AH, upgraded to 2.0, is a low frequency (125 kHz) technology reader that not only reliably supports PROX technology but also comes in an enviably wide variety of sturdy housing and user interface options. The Access 8 AHpin 2.0 sports a pin pad for settings requiring higher security and Access 8 AH 2.0 conveniently accommodates electric socket installations.

So, even if one hasn't yet run afoul of proprietary limits that other or low frequency manufacturers place on their products one would still find peace of mind knowing he has deployed a superior-engineered alternative for PROX technology systems.  Naturally, the Idesco Access 8 AH 2.0 reader family is fully configurable with Wiegand- and Clock&Data interfaces.