31 Jul 2014
G4S Technology, an award-winning security and communications integrator, has been awarded a $1.8M contract
The contract includes command and control centre, access control, integration with the city’s video management system

G4S Technology, an award-winning security and communications integrator, has been awarded a $1.8M contract to upgrade security for the Killeen-Fort Hood Regional Airport located in Killeen, TX. The contract, signed in May 2014, includes a Command and Control centre, Access Control, integration with the City’s existing Video Management System, and a five-year maintenance agreement on the system, spare parts and back-up servers.

A request for proposal was issued in December 2013 to find the “best-value option” for an integrated access control and video management system. G4S Technology was among four potential vendors that responded, and was ultimately selected to receive the contract based on their competitive pricing and superior solution.

According to Matt Van Valkenburg, Killeen’s Aviation Director, the security system has not been updated since the airport was built in 2004. At the time, the airport met the existing requirements, but it has since outgrown the current system.

“With the growth both in the facility and demand of Killeen-Fort Hood Airport over the past ten years, we had quickly outgrown our current system and had to address the change in security requirements and technology advances that surpassed our current system’s capabilities,” stated Van Valkenburg. “Thanks to the experience of G4S Technology, we’ll now have a command and control centre with integrated access control and video management that will provide total safety and protection.”

“We are pleased that Killeen-Fort Hood airport has chosen us to provide their important upgrade solution, thus keeping them current with safety and security requirements,” said Sam Belbina, President of G4S Technology. “Among the many things, our solution will provide immediate, remote back-up operations, so there will never be loss of access or control of security.”

G4S will be executing the work utilising state-based staffing, providing jobs for the community, and will be self-performing the majority of the work.