13 Feb 2014

Guardian24 is delighted to announce that with immediate effect an enhanced, integrated Android lone worker application is now available for Guardian24 users worldwide directly from Guardian24. 

Guardian24 has been working for some time to further increase the device choice for user organisations. The company already provides access to its protection services through traditional mobile phones, Blackberry devices, PDA’s and a broad range of specialist personal alarm devices. In 2013 the company started work to deliver the full range of Guardian24 capabilities through Android devices. Henry Woods, CEO of Guardian24 explains the rationale -

“Guardian24 became the market leader in this sector by delivering services on whatever device best suited both the client organisation and the end user. In this way we provide the maximum flexibility and choice for our lone worker users. This approach has become even more important following the widespread move to ‘BYOD’ (Bring Your Own Device) where users run applications on their own chosen mobile phone technology. Some users may prefer a simple mobile phone; others may want to use an advanced smartphone while others may prefer to use none of these but instead to carry an alarm device. Guardian24 allows all of these preferences to be available – and mixed - within one overall system. In addition, Guardian24 also uniquely allows each end user to have the service available to them on two devices – in recognition of the growing trend to have both a work and personal device. With the updated version of our award winning Android app we now deliver our most advanced services to the fastest growing segment of the handset market.”

In 2013, Guardian24 was the named the winner of the industry’s premier award – the “IFSEC UK Lone Worker Product of the Year” for the first Android version of the solution. This has already been widely taken up by ‘early adopter’ customers in a wide range of organisations. This announcement now confirms volume availability of the latest product iteration worldwide. Guardian24 has a long history of award winning solutions and of leading the market – this is particularly true in respect of the Android application.

The Android solution takes full advantage of the Android ecosystem to deliver powerful capabilities that are exceptionally easy to use. It is worth noting that the Android solution also runs on tablets too.

Guardian24 is unusual in that product development is not outsourced to third parties but remains in-house. Our accrued expertise in developing lone working solutions ensures we consistently release high quality, innovative products and services. Our new Android solution is more advanced, more reliable and more feature rich than any other product on the market today – as evidenced by 2013 industry award mentioned above.

With the Guardian24 service the user can schedule their activities and timings. If the user ‘overstays’ an appointment, Guardian24 will contact them to confirm all is well. Guardian24 will escalate an ‘alarm’ if user welfare cannot be confirmed. Dedicated, specialist alarm monitoring staff, working on behalf of the user’s organisation, can determine the nature of the user’s situation through location tracking and remote audio streaming. Customisable protocols control the resolution flow of alarms and can involve the notification of the emergency response services or other relevant responders.