16 May 2014

IndigoVision’s Control Center video management software gives total visibility of the loading areas


When Royal Shell, Royal Vopak and Greenergy founded Thames Oilport from the purchase of the Croyton refinery complex, they immediately instigated a project to convert the site into a fuel import, blending and distribution facility. Once this project is completed, the new facility will permit sea-going tankers to berth alongside the jetties to offload petroleum products, which will then be blended into petrol and diesel for redistribution to petrol stations throughout the UK.

The safety and protection of people and assets is paramount to Thames Oilport. The existing CCTV coverage was very limited, making it difficult to adequately monitor activities and ensure safety levels were maintained. To improve coverage, the organisation decided to increase the number of cameras installed and ensure live transmissions were received and monitored 24/7 at the Central Control Room located onsite.

Andrew Polyakov, Thames Oilport Project IT Manager, tasked Arran Henderson of DSSL Group with designing a system that would meet the needs of the organisation and could be expanded as the number of on-site cameras increased.


As an expert in security systems for hazardous sites Arran knew that IndigoVision’s solution was ideal.

IndigoVision’s High Definition (HD) BX cameras have been installed in loading areas. Video is transmitted over an existing fibre network back to the control room, where IndigoVision’s Control Center video management software gives total visibility of the loading areas in a safe environment.

All cameras are recorded on IndigoVision NVR-AS 4000s, replacing eye-witness accounts with high quality, HD video evidence. IndigoVision’s Distributed Network Architecture (DNA) makes it easy to add more cameras as site requirements expand.

“We’re delighted with the new system,” stated Andrew, “Safety is the highest priority at Thames Oilport. By monitoring the loading areas remotely using IndigoVision’s high quality HD video, we’ve improved staff and site safety significantly.”


  • High quality, high definition (HD) video allows operators to monitor loading areas in detail making it easier to identify causes of incidents
  • Cameras are deployed in remote locations, transmitted over fibre networks and controlled from a single control room.
  • Distributed Network Architecture (DNA) removes the need for a management server. Additional cameras are easily added to the system, with minimum configuration and no system downtime.