20 Mar 2013
Connexion2 will exhibit Identicom 877c and its Identicom mobile smart-phone application

Lone worker specialist, Connexion2, developer and manufacturer of the award winning, Identicom lone worker protection device, will be unveiling its richer-content, lone worker solutions at IFSEC 2013, stand 5/K40, Hall 5 being held at the NEC Birmingham from 13th to 16th May. In addition to showcasing its full range of lone worker products and solutions, Connexion2 will be exhibiting the enhanced functionality of both the Identicom 877c, the first dedicated lone worker device to feature a camera function, and a dramatically improved Identicom mobile smart-phone application.

Both are a platform for a new breed of solutions that allow communities of lone workers to share information to assist ancillary activities when working remotely. Whether it is uploading a picture of a point of interest to the community’s platform, tagging a specific risk or location, or visually reporting on the progress of current operation – Identicom and Identicom mobile users can now add a whole raft of supporting information to improve the flow of operations across any business.

The Identicom 877c retains its core functionality as a two-way audio, lone worker device and allows a lone worker to use as part of their dynamic risk assessment, and is a link to 24/7 Alarm Monitoring if a worker’s safety is threatened. The 877c allows workers to support a number of ancillary tasks through the ability to capture photographs that are then automatically uploaded to the client’s Mobile Workforce Management Platform. How a device is configured to capture photographs can be varied in line with a client’s specific requirements in order to suit the lone worker.

The 877c will also enable some lone workers to travel lighter – many applications currently use a digital camera or carry a separate mobile phone to support activities. This is also likely to result in employer’s making cost savings as fewer devices are potentially being issued to staff.

''Were delighted to be in a
position to unveil the first
dedicated lone worker device
to feature a camera''

The latest version of Identicom Mobile can be installed on a wide range of Smart-Phones whether BlackBerry, iPhone or Android operating systems. This makes it an ideal application for lone workers who facing risk infrequently.  Compliant with Section 5.2.1 of BS8484* and easy to install through a simple application download, Identicom Mobile enables a user to obtain the necessary help if they become a victim of verbal abuse; attack or they feel their safety could be compromised.   Now with even more functionality, the app allows a user the same option to share photographs to the Mobile Workforce Management Platform, as well as the specific tagging of locations and risks. It also has a new ‘Check In and Out’ function to help assist an organisation’s audit trail.

Identicom mobile also has ‘Man Down’ detection, which automatically opens up a ‘Red Alert’ in the event of a user being incapacitated due to a slip, trip or fall.  In addition users can now check in and out of work thereby notifying their manager when they start and finish work.  There is also a ‘Privacy Mode’ that allows the user to retain control of their location data e.g. when they are on their lunch break and then deselect it when they resume normal operation.

Initially launched at IFSEC last year, Connexion2’s Identicom 8 Series range has proved immensely popular due to its smaller size and extended functionality including two-way audio and updated GPS. This additional function will prove particular useful for lone workers involved for example in Parking Enforcement, Waste Control, Graffiti Management, Crowd Control and Building Inspections.

Three times winner of the Security Excellence Awards as well as other prestigious awards, Connexion2’s ACPO ‘Secured by Design’ accredited Identicom, is the leading, dedicated LWD with over 100,000 users.  Identicom retains its appearance as a standard identity card holder giving easy wear, discreet use and peace of mind for staff working outside close or direct supervision.

Craig Swallow, Managing Director of Connexion2 commented:” We’re delighted to be in a position to unveil the first dedicated lone worker device to feature a camera. I’ve always wanted Connexion2 to be at the forefront of innovation in the lone worker market, I think the Identicom 877c is testament to that.  Clearly, any camera-enabled device should be used responsibly and should be supported by a lone worker policy.  We are also proud of the fact that all Identicom products are designed and manufactured in the UK.”