10 Aug 2015
The SCEC endorsement confirms Gallagher Z10, F22 and Z20 products’ availability on the SEEPL standards

A first for Gallagher's latest generation Perimeter technology, with its award-winning Z20 Disturbance Sensor, F22 Fence Controller and Z10 Tension Sensor gaining approval by the Security Construction and Equipment Committee (SCEC).

As global leaders in the design and manufacture of security technology, the SCEC endorsement confirms Gallagher's products perform to Australian Governments standards, and are now available on the Security Equipment Evaluated Product List (SEEPL).

The Z10, F22 and Z20, passed product attack tests and proved their ability to detect attacks with immunity to environmental conditions and false alarms over a 12 month period.

This is a significant achievement for the perimeter team says Greg Phillips, General Manager Australia. "This long and rigorous product testing demonstrates the R&D we've invested in our perimeter products has paid-off."

"Our perimeter solutions protect some of the most important sites around the world and the Australian Government certainly fits in this category."

The SCEC is a standing interdepartmental committee responsible for the evaluation of security equipment for use by the Australian Government departments and agencies. SCEC reports to the Attorney General's, Protective Security Policy Committee which was established by the Australian Government to develop and establish guidelines for protection of Australian Government resource.

Details about Gallagher's SCEC endorsed perimeter technology:

The next generation in taut wire technology, the Z10 Tension Sensor helps customers overcome shortcomings in conventional taut wire technologies to provide exceptional disturbance detection. Its connection to the Gallagher Integrated Perimeter Solution has created global attention receiving awards and acclaim from government and engineering organisations in New Zealand, United Kingdom and the United States.

The F22 Fence Controller is a networked controller that provides a safe and effective regulated pulse around the perimeter fence line. It forms part of the honoured Gallagher Integrated Perimeter Solution to actively deter and detect any intruder attempts.

Through intelligent detection of vibration or movement of the fence structure the Z20 Disturbance Sensor helps to heighten perimeter security.