2 Mar 2015
In addition to demonstrating functionality of the PLAI specification, the company will cover business and security benefits

Join PSIA for this unique session featuring a live demo of the capabilities of the Physical Security Interoperability Alliance's new Physical-Logical Access Interoperability (PLAI) specification at ISC West 2015. In addition to demonstrating current functionality of the PLAI specification, the company will cover business and security benefits such as:

  • Establishing role-based privileges at an authoritative identity source and propagating this logical data throughout multiple physical access control systems (PACS) from different vendors at a variety of locations.
  • Streamlining employee on-boarding with the initial registration of an employee from an authoritative source (IT or HR logical directory) flowing to a PACS.
  • Propagating credential information of an employee from one PACS to others, thus supporting enhanced access control at multiple facilities.
  • Easily revoking physical access privileges across multiple PACS.

Participants to include:

Find out how the PLAI specification offers a standardised, automatic way to solve one of enterprise security's most stubborn challenges, that of synchronising logical and physical identities and their access privileges.