12 Jan 2009

Fujinon D32x high resolution day/night telephoto CCTV lens
A Fujinon D32x10R4D-V41 day/night telephoto CCTV zoom lens, supplied by UK / Ireland distributor Pyser-SGI Ltd to wildlife remote observation specialists Outersight (UK) Ltd, is being used successfully in a remotely controlled camera system to study marine life and seabirds at long range in the Orkneys.

Installed recently by Outersight for the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) based at Stromness, Orkney, the camera observation system is being employed by EMEC to monitor interactions between marine life and sea birds and the wave energy generating devices being tested in the offshore test area.

The first such lens designed for the latest C mount high resolution megapixel cameras, the Fujinon megapixel D32x10R4D-V41 CCTV zoom lens is being used with a 5 megapixel camera to provide high resolution pictures of wildlife at a viewing distance of up to 3 km. Said Peter Barlow, managing director of Outersight: "We chose the Fujinon D32x10 lens because of its high optical quality combined with its good telephoto range, allowing even small animals and birds to be seen from a distance. Reports from EMEC confirm that the system is working extremely well and doing everything that is asked of it". 

The camera system using the Fujinon D32x lens employs MAD P/T and BBV telemetry and is installed on top of a disused coastguard lookout, screened from the high winds. An associated small slave camera provides a wider angle of view and displays pan, tilt, zoom and focus as a guide to current pointing positioning. The 5-megapixel camera is housed in a standard MAD housing, with normal toughened glass front window and wash/wipe. The system is connected to the EMEC control centre more than 3 km away at Stromness via ethernet and fibre optics.

High Resolution Megapixel Operation

Designed for 24/7 operation, the Fujinon D32x10R4D-V41 is a fully IR capable lens employing specialised optics to provide crisp colour pictures in daylight and clear black and white images in night mode. It is suitable for a wide range of surveillance applications, including evidential identification of people and vehicles.

 The Fujinon D32x10R4D-V41 is suitable for a wide range of surveillance applications, including evidential identification of people and vehicles

Lens features include video auto iris, with remote iris override and remote iris level and sensing control; preset potentiometer outputs for positional control by telemetry systems; and built-in neutral density filter. Iris range is F2.5-T1500 (F1500), and focal length is from wide angle 10 mm to telephoto 320 mm.

European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC)

EMEC is involved in the evolution of marine energy devices from the prototype stage to a commercial product. Based in Stromness, Orkney, EMEC operates two test sites harnessing the power of waves and tidal streams in the region - where tides are reputed to be the strongest in the world.