25 Jan 2012

The company's rating of 94 points places it ahead of the majority of other security contractors in the country
Octavian Security has been ranked just one point short of the top ten per cent of security providers in the UK, in the voluntary Approved Contractor Scheme, operated by the Security Industry Authority. The scheme aims to raise performance standards within the private security sector.
The company's rating of 94 points places it well ahead of the majority of other security contractors in the country, and is a significant improvement on its already good score from last year.
The external auditor was particularly impressed by Octavian's independent security penetration testing audits on client sites, recognising that they demonstrate the confidence Octavian has in its service provision. He also praised Octavian's Human Resources Department for their pro-active co-operation with other security providers when transferring staff.
Sukhi Ghuman, USA based owner and global group chief executive of Octavian Security, said: "After a three day re-verification assessment, I am delighted for all of our staff regarding our new improved rating.
"Our score reflects the hard work and dedication of everyone in the business, both employees on client sites and those at head office. It is an amazing achievement for us all.
"We will now begin working on improvement options that the auditor has suggested, with a view to moving even higher in the rankings next year."