4 Oct 2013
VdS is Europe's top certification body for fire protection and security

VdS guidelines, which are well-known for their particularly high level of practice orientation, are being used as safety standards in a multitude of countries all over the world. The latest nation to put its trust in VdS guidelines is India, which continues to be one of the world´s most rapidly expanding economies, boasting economic growth of 5% in 2012.

In its ”Code of Practice“ for automatic fire detection and alarm systems, for example, the ”Bureau of Indian Standards“ recommends the use of systems that have been approved with a VdS certificate. ”The standards announced by the Indian authorities are a recognition of both the achievements of our testing teams in the VdS laboratories and the skills and abilities of our clients who develop such reliable life-saving technologies“, states Jörg Wilms-Vahrenhorst, Head of the Fire Protection Department at VdS. ”We are delighted that India has now joined the multitude of countries all over the world in recognising our VdS certificate as a seal of approval for high-quality safety and security.”

VdS, Europe's top certification body for fire protection and security, is now additionally supporting its clients on the subcontinent with a new trade fair concept. At the “Fire India”, the country's largest fire protection exhibition (taking place in Mumbai from 24th - 26th October), a variety of VdS clients will showcase their innovations at a joint exhibition stand under the claim “Rely on Fire Protection Made in Germany”.