15 May 2012

Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers, OJSC is one of the top four Russian producers of phosphate fertilizers, fodder additives, phosphoric and sulphuric acid. In 2010 the volume of production amounted to 773 thousand tonnes of marketable products. The enterprise is certified in compliance with IS-9001, IS-14001, OHSAS 18001 and has always had a good standing on both international and domestic market. The main industrial area is over 200 ha and over 6 km in perimeter. There are pedestrian, automobile and railway entry checkpoints as well as local safety areas.

Prior to the digital system installation, an analogue video surveillance system had been employed at the enterprise which proved to be inadequate to the company’s demands for the following reasons:

  • the system did not provide operational control of its parameters and features;
  • there was no single surveillance centre;
  • possibilities to expand the structure and features of the system were limited;
  • recording quality was low and the video archive depth was shallow.

The Customer put forward the following requirements to the new digital system:

  • a possibility to create a central monitoring station;
  • a scale-up capability;
  • serviceability;
  • ease of maintenance and administration;
  • reliability and durability.

Axxon Intellect Enterprise was chosen as the platform for the new system for a number of its valuable features like multitask capability, support for a wide range of devices, reliability, and a well-developed technical support. The installation began in 2009 and the video surveillance system has been constantly expanding ever since.

"The introduction of the Intellect-based video surveillance system has helped us to take the enterprise’s security system to a new level"

"The introduction of the Intellect-based video surveillance system has helped us to take the enterprise’s security system to a new level", commented Alexander Savelyev, Security Director of Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers, OJSC.

At the moment, the system comprises over 10 video servers, 20 work stations and 130 cameras. The system uses the car license plate recognition module (Auto Intellect) and the railcar number recognition module. Stream Labs products were chosen for IP video servers given their proved record of high reliability and excellent technical support quality.

The installed system provides video surveillance of all entry checkpoints and along the enterprise’s perimeter, identification of the plate numbers of automobile transport and railway cars as well as video control of local security zones. The introduction of the system has made it possible to achieve a more efficient video monitoring from the Security Control Center, and to implement better control of the PTZ cameras and the video archive viewing of all cameras from a single work station.

The Intellect-based system also allows one to execute a quick analysis of accidents at entry checkpoints, work schedule violations, to solve controversial issues between employees and the enterprise’s security personnel.

"We are pleased with the system’s operational stability, its wide management possibilities, its functionality that fully meets the requirements of our enterprise, as well as the system’s expandability and high professionalism of technical support", said Alexander Usanin, Chief Specialist of the Engineering and Technical Security Department, Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers, OJSC.