4 Apr 2008

Nigel Petrie, Chairman of CCTV specialist AD Group, has started out on an epic fundraising 'Coast to Coast' bike ride to build an African school.  Nigel has set his sights, for his sponsored cycle, on a challenging route from Biarritz on the French Atlantic coast to Barcelona on the Mediterranean coast of Spain - 630 kms in total - including traversing the towering Pyrenees Mountains.

Nigel is aiming to raise enough money, through his two-wheeled efforts, to fund a much needed school in Gambia, a small country on Africa's western coast which became independent from Britain in 1965, with the target set at £14,000 to make the project a reality.

As he travels through France and Spain, Nigel is meeting all his own costs and riding without separate back-up or support.  He will be accompanied on the testing eight or nine day journey - depending on the conditions - by his friend and cycling colleague Peter Vince, who is fundraising for a hospice charity near his home in Sussex.  Peter has joined Nigel on a number of previous cycling challenges, including in the spring of 2006 when the duo travelled along the Western Front on behalf of the Royal British Legion.

For the latest 'Coast to Coast' bike ride all the money raised by Nigel will go to 'Schools for Gambia' - www.schoolsforgambia.org.uk - a small independent charity which is seeking to ensure that as many Gambian children as possible have a basic education - even those from the poorest of homes.

Said Nigel Petrie, Chairman of AD Group:  "A good education is so important in terms of a child's future and something which in Europe we often take for granted.

"The plan for Gambia is to use the funds raised to allow 'Schools for Gambia' to build a structure on an existing site on the south side of Farafenni town in the Baddibu District in the North Bank Division - a poverty stricken area.

"When finished the school block will consist of three full size classrooms, an office and storerooms and be known as a Lower Basic School.  The building will then be handed over to the Gambian Government to run and to employ teachers.  Currently, the nearest Lower Basic School - which children transfer to when they are seven - is too far for them to walk to.  As a result many youngsters simply drop out of education altogether, something which 'Schools for Gambia' is keen to prevent at such a young age."

Donations to help Nigel reach his target can be made in two ways.  Either by sending a cheque to Nigel Petrie c/o Plas Eliseg, Llantysilio, Langollen, LL20 8DE made out to ‘Schools for Gambia'.  Alternatively, contributions can be given by debit or credit card at www.mycharitypage.com/nigelpetrie.  Donations made online automatically attract Gift Aid tax relief for UK taxpayers.

The 'Coast to Coast' Bike Ride follows previous fundraising cycling efforts, which have seen Nigel Petrie and Peter Vince raising more than £100,000 for worthy causes.