28 Jan 2008

CCTV evidence from Dedicated Micros - part of AD Group - has helped to secure the conviction of five men at the Old Bailey who were involved in the high profile £53 million raid on a security depot in Tonbridge, Kent, in February 2006.

A series of high quality images recorded by Dedicated Micros BX2 digital CCTV recorders installed on the ground at the depot - and broadcast on TV nationwide - have proved invaluable in helping the Police to piece together the events which took place on the evening of the raid.

Said Pauline Norstrom, Worldwide Head of Marketing at Dedicated Micros: "Images from CCTV cameras both inside and outside the depot were readily made available by DM to the Police's investigating team for evidential purposes.  Some of these high quality images were also presented in the initial press conference seeking information about the incident.

"Today's convictions on kidnap, robbery and firearms charges have to be welcomed.  It is important with any investigation to be able to access this valuable material and for us as manufacturers of such systems to provide support and assistance to the authorities.  This positive outcome underlines the importance of CCTV in the fight against crime of all types."

Click here to view the CCTV images.