22 Feb 2011
 RemGuard is providing CCTV remote monitoring services to a catering facility

Remotely monitored, detector-activated, CCTV specialist RemGuard Visual Management  part of AD Group has stopped a recent, out-of-hours, criminal attack at a catering facility on Merseyside in its tracks and, crucially, assisted the police to arrest two suspects at the scene of the incident before they could make off with several thousand pounds worth of essential metal items used in the company's production processes.

The site, which prepares and packages meals for distribution to schools, hospitals and vending machines, has been linked up to RemGuard's BS8418 compliant Remote Video Response Centre(RVRC) for over two years. This intelligent monitoring is supported by on-site transmission equipment with CCTV cameras and detectors strategically positioned so any criminal activity can be detected at the earliest possible stage and the police and keyholders alerted. An audio challenge 'talking CCTV' capability is also set-up on the Merseyside site so, if necessary, verbal warnings can be issued to warn-off trespassers.

In the latest night-time incident, on-site detectors were triggered by two intruders scaling the perimeter fence looking for something to steal. When operators at RemGuard's RVRC checked the associated images to identify the source of the activations, they could clearly see the individuals concerned attempting to walk-off with a large sheet of aluminium checker plate and part of a stainless steel conveyor belt. After being contacted by RemGuard, two police cars swiftly attended the scene where their arrival caused the criminals to drop the items and start to make their getaway. However the suspects attempt to flee proved unsuccessful and the men were soon apprehended by the police officers. Whilst the individuals initially denied any wrongdoing RemGuard's operators were able to provide the police with the vital video footage which clearly showed the two men's criminal intent.

Operators screening the activities with the RemGuard remote monitoring CCTV solution

Commented the Security Manager for the site: "We are extremely pleased with RemGuard's remotely monitored, detector-activated, CCTV service and the way that its operators dealt with the recent incident. The criminals had already been detained by the police and were about to be led away for questioning when I arrived on scene minutes later to double check that our building was secure. The combined value of the two items, which the men were trying to steal before RemGuard's timely intervention, was over £2,750 not withstanding the potential for disruption to our operations. We work to very tight timescales so we are naturally keen to avoid any downtime as a result of unchallenged criminal activity. With RemGuard's monitoring in place, we have the reassurance that at critical times when the facility is not operational, a lookout is being kept for suspicious activity."

RemGuard has also played a valuable role in a number of other incidents at the caterer's facility. The Security Manager for the caterer recalls at least three times when the RVRC's intervention has stopped intruders from staying on the site: "These other situations have generally involved three or four youths climbing the fences however, thankfully, RemGuard's verbal warning that the police will be called if they do not leave the area seems to be enough to drive them away."

The catering facility is now a much safer place with the RemGuard technology monitoring the site

The Security Manager's task of overseeing site security is also assisted through NetVu ObserVer viewing software, supplied by RemGuard, which allows him to log-in from home via PC to view CCTV images of the site. This capability is particularly valuable if he is contacted by one of RemGuard's RVRC operators to clarify whether someone should actually be on site or whether an incident requires him to attend.

Added the General Manager for the catering provider: "Sometimes trespassing on our site may be due to where we are positioned with pedestrians simply looking to take a short cut from one part of the town to another. However, while sometimes their intentions may not be criminal in nature, we don't really want to have anyone wondering around our facility unsupervised, particularly, as they may hurt themselves or inadvertently cause damage to our facility. The ability for RemGuard to intervene proactively is therefore an extremely valuable capability."

Said Alan Collinge,  Director of Operations at RemGuard: "The success of our remotely monitored, detector-activated, CCTV service at this catering facility once again underlines the potential for this type of security to provide a cost effective solution for commercial and industrial sites. A key attraction is obviously the fact that there is visual confirmation by an operator regarding the cause of a specific activation so minimising false alarms, and enabling the fastest possible appropriate action to be taken. The issuing of verbal warnings alone in our experience is a sufficient deterrent in over 90 per cent of incidents and when the emergency services have to be alerted we have the CCTV footage and individual site plans to hand to guide them to where the suspects can be apprehended."