30 Jul 2013

Dallmeier customers will receive free licences for 12 analogue channels by replacing their existing recorder

Loyalty pays off: Dallmeier is offering all current customers an attractive and special upgrade path to the world of SMAVIA. Everybody who switches to future-proof technology by replacing their existing Dallmeier recording system with a SMAVIA appliance DLS 1600 receives the licences for 12 analogue channels for free!

Everybody who replaces a Dallmeier recorder with a SMAVIA appliance DLS 1600 can take advantage of the SMAVIA loyalty bonus until 31st December 2013: In return for sending the replaced Dallmeier recording system to the Dallmeier Service Centre the SMAVIA licence for 12 analogue channels comes for free! This means the customer gets a DLS 1600 with 16 analogue channels for the price of the basic version with four analogue channels. By the way: With an optional licence these channels can be moved to IP channels without problems.

This special offer is regardless of the type and age as well as the number of channels of the replaced Dallmeier recording system. In line with its Green Global Security philosophy Dallmeier will ensure a proper disposal of the submitted recording system.

It’s that easy

Processing is fast and easy: Every newly acquired SMAVIA appliance DLS 1600 (from 1st August 2013) can be registered for the SMAVIA loyalty bonus in the Dallmeier Partner Forum. This requires the entry of the address details and the serial number of the DLS 1600 only. The customer will then receive the license code for 12 additional analogue channels promptly by e-mail. Finally the replaced Dallmeier recording system has to be received in the Dallmeier Service Centre in Regensburg within 14 days.