20 Oct 2009
Guest list for the meeting included senior figues from the NSI and more than 30 major UK insurers

Key members of the Insurance and Security industries met at CSL DualCom’s long standing business partner Vodafone’s Newbury headquarters to discuss shared topical issues. 

Arranged by CSL DualCom’s Head of Corporate Relations, Dennis Judd, the guests included senior figures from the NSI, over 30 major UK Insurers and the Police. Presentations were given by Ray Kay of Vodafone showing a different side to the benefits of GPRS with their latest innovation smart metering, a concept that is helping business’ to reduce energy costs and carbon emissions. Colin Davison of Sitex Orbis discussed the importance of maintaining security on vacant premises.

There were also contributions from Sean Lee of ADT on the importance of reducing false alarms, Custodian Monitoring’s Keith Pendlebury on the workings of an Alarm Receiving Centre and an Insurers viewpoint from Robert Dakin of AXA. CSL DualCom’s very own Simon Banks discussed the benefits of dual signalling and the DualCom GradeShift Range. He also offered advice on how best to deal with the implications of 21CN and how DualCom’s newest addition DigiPlus is helping Installers to combat problems caused by 21CN.

Many of the presentations made reference to BT’s recent change in strategy regarding the implementation of their Next Generation Network, 21CN. With no roll out schedule for Installers to look to for guidance all parties advocated that Installers should be preparing their systems now to avoid costly scenarios that could occur should the system in place fail when 21CN arrives.