20 Oct 2010
CSL DualCom provides useful tips and advice for installers

CSL DualCom received almost two hundred registrations for the Business events held around the country throughout September and October. The days were aimed at helping Installers unlock the value in their companies despite the current economic climate, and CSL along with leading specialists provided Installers with useful tips and advice.

The morning session was aimed at Business Owners and included presentations from David Searle, a finance expert from leading accountants Baker Tilly. Nottingham Installer Steven Beal of WEC Alarms commented, "David's presentation really brought into to focus many factors that get pushed to one side in the day to day running of a business giving me the opportunity to realise the potential within my business."

The morning session also included case studies from Installers who have successfully increased the value of their business by Installing DualCo products in favour of legacy signalling. After seeing these Andrew Cox from Barking Dog Security noted, "We have fitted the first of many Digiplus' and the installation was incredibly straight forward. It offers immunity against threats posed by NGN's, and does away with call charges to the ARC. These immediate benefits for the end user make the Digiplus a win win solution." In addition Skills for Security provided a valuable update on the funding available towards Apprentice Engineers and many Installers in attendance were surprised to discover that in some situations his can mean an Engineer for free. Finally, RISK UK magazine’s Paul Amura offered advice on how to get the most out of marketing budgets.

"David's presentation really brought into to focus many factors that get pushed to one side in the day to day running of a business..."

The afternoon sessions opened up debates from company owners and technical minds alike. With leading Panel manufacturers Castle and Texecom in attendance the audience were treated to an update on all the latest panel developments including DualCom Inside which is available on both manufacturers' Control Panels very soon. Tavcom, the UK's foremost Security training provider informed Installers on the benefits of becoming multi-skilled or formerly qualified. Plus DualCom's very own Technical Field Managers provided a detailed training session on DualCom products. Peter Hart, Director of Phoenix Total Security remarked, "Many of my customers have switched their phone lines to least cost routing to save money and as a result have experienced spiralling call costs due to their Digi’s dialling on a number outside of those covered by their package. After seeing the presentation on DigiPlus at the London Seminar I discovered that fitting one to each of my Digi's would protect my customers against this eventuality, I'll be upgrading all my Digi's."