31 Mar 2009
Electronic Technology Inc. chose Alvarion's BreezeACCESS VL and BreezeACCESS 900 product lines to build the entire OGL network

The challenge

For some time, officials in Lenexa wanted to extend the fibre and other wired infrastructure to meet the broadband needs of the growing city, however the cost of expansion proved to be prohibitively high. As a result, city officials sought a cost effective solution to provide wireless broadband access for a public safety network, mobile broadband for municipal vehicles and broadband for remote fire and police stations with no wired infrastructure.

The solution

Participating in the OGL project provided the city with the funding needed to extend their metropolitan network. After testing equipment from several vendors, systems integrator Electronic Technology Inc. chose Alvarion's BreezeACCESS VL and BreezeACCESS 900 product lines to build the entire OGL network. Traffic lights were fitted with IP cameras and video servers and connected to BreezeACCESS VL CPEs. The CPEs feed the traffic light signalling data and video images back to one of the base stations which then transfer the information back to the central control room.

The wireless network connects government buildings, municipal vehicles, traffic signals and video cameras throughout the city

Using the licensed 4.9 GHz band which was allocated nationwide to law enforcement and related agencies, the OGL network was extended for municipal applications. With 18 Mbps throughput in real-world conditions, the network is used to connect desktop PCs in various public safety offices around the city as well as the recently constructed Lenexa Conference Center and Legler Barn, home to the town's historical museum. In addition, the BreezeACCESS 900 base stations were deployed around the city and mobile subscriber units (SU-M) were placed in the municipal vehicles to connect to their in-vehicle computers.

The result

The wireless network connects government buildings, municipal vehicles, traffic signals and video cameras throughout the city's entire 30 square mile area. Real-time broadband connectivity has improved the city's public safety, traffic congestion has eased and as a result pollution has been reduced. The wireless network based on Alvarion's products has been so successful that The Wireless Internet Institute named Lenexa as runner-up and cited as a network to watch in their prestigious annual awards, open to community-wide wireless broadband networks around the world.