7 Sep 2010
 Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) Deploys Proxim Wireless for Statewide Intelligent Transportation System
In order to help monitor and manage traffic throughout the state, the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) has deployed an end-to-end Proxim wireless network for a state-wide Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). This wireless network connects traffic and video components over hundreds of square miles throughout the Northwest Indiana and Indianapolis areas, enabling the following traffic-related applications:
  • Traffic Management - Residents of Indiana and Illinois can visit INDOT's TrafficWise Web site to get real-time traffic updates as well as visual images of the roads they are travelling. The images are provided by video cameras connected wirelessly via Proxim's unlicensed WiMAX radios, the Tsunami MP.11 5054.
  • Dynamic Messaging Signs - Many of the digital messaging signs along Indiana's highways are wirelessly connected to Proxim's wireless network via Proxim Tsunami MP.11 5012 subscriber units. This enables the immediate updating of the dynamic messaging signs to warn drivers of road conditions, accidents, detours and Amber Alerts.
  • Solar-Powered Traffic Detection Radar Sites - INDOT utilises many radar sites to detect the flow of traffic and warn drivers of slow traffic conditions ahead. These radar detection sites are all connected via Proxim's Tsunami MP.11 5012 subscriber units, which - due to the low power consumption of the radios - enables each of these sites to be powered via solar.
  • Seamless Connectivity to Traffic Management Centres (TMCs) - All of these components are seamlessly connected back to INDOT's two TMCs via Proxim's high-performance wireless backhaul links, saving INDOT millions of dollars in up front deployment costs by not requiring the use of fibre to connect all components. INDOT uses a leased line to tie the two TMC sites together.
  • Wireless Remote Management - INDOT engineers can access the network remotely via Wi-Fi thanks to Proxim's ORiNOCO AP-4000 MR-LR.

"When we began rolling out this state-wide Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), we knew that the cost to connect the hundreds of components via fibre would be completely cost-prohibitive," said Troy Boyd, Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) ITS Technology Deployment Division Director. "With Proxim's end-to-end wireless solutions, we were able to deploy a single network consisting of wireless backhaul, unlicensed WiMAX and Wi-Fi that enabled us to connect and manage the entire ITS. As a result, we are able to deliver mission-critical traffic services to the citizens of Indiana in a fiscally responsible manner."

Images are provided by video cameras connected wirelessly via Proxim's Tsunami MP.11 5054

Initially, INDOT had evaluated several competing wireless technologies, including products from Alvarion and Firetide. At the end of the day, the autonomous operation of Proxim's MP.11 5054 and 5012 series radios performed better and offered greater value than the other offerings.

"Here at Proxim, we understand that not all networks and applications have the same requirements - and the flexibility of our end-to-end wireless platform enables us to use the right wireless solution for many given applications,"
said Shaun Cohl, Senior Systems Engineer for Proxim Wireless. "Rather than forcing organisations to choose between technologies that are good for one application but not another, we can provide a mix of wireless backhaul, WiMAX/point-to-multipoint, and Wi-Fi technologies to match the needs of any customer's network."

To roll out this large ITS network in a timely manner, Proxim strategically partnered with Meade Electric of Illinois to handle the integration of the more than 600 Proxim radios throughout the network, including all of the tower and electrical work. The ITS Technology Deployment Team at INDOT managed the entire process, from initial design all the way through deployment.

"Without the expertise of the INDOT's ITS Technology Deployment Team, this project would have been considerably more complex," said Cohl. "The INDOT team is amongst the most professional ITS teams I have ever had the pleasure of working with."