5 Aug 2010

Strategic Operations relies on OnSSI's video management system during an After Action Review
Strategic Operations, Inc. (ST/OPS) in San Diego is enhancing the effectiveness of their unique tactical military training with OnSSI's IP video software. The company stages military training exercises employing Hollywood-style special effects and actors playing enemy combatants, all captured by 30 cameras set up in a simulated Afghan village. After trainees participate in a complex wartime scenario, Strategic Operations relies on OnSSI's video management system (VMS) during an After Action Review to enable trainers to access video quickly and efficiently to analyse and critique trainees' performance. The OnSSI software's integration with 360-degree lenses from ImmerVision provides the widest possible fields-of-view, and incorporation of VideoSynopsis software powered by Briefcam helps trainers review video faster. For example, it is now possible to view full 24-hours of footage in two minutes.

OnSSI's networked video software can record and manage digital images to provide instant access to video of anything happening in any camera's field-of-view. Investigative capabilities of OnSSI's software enable users to review captured video in detail, to analyse it frame-by-frame if necessary, and to fast-forward or view events in a compressed timeframe. The system also integrates OnSSI's video management and archiving capabilities with Omnipresence 3D software by Feeling Software to enable operators to access security information using an easily-understood three-dimensional map interface. The combination of OnSSI and Omnipresence 3D provides simplified access to hundreds or even thousands of live or archived video feeds.

The enhancements to OnSSI's NetDVMS with Ocularis Client Lite software are particularly useful

Strategic Operations is on the lot of Stu Segall Productions, a full-service TV/movie studio. Strategic Operations creates Hyper-Realistic™ war scenarios using Hollywood style pyrotechnics (rocket-propelled grenades, improvised explosive devices, gunfire, explosions, etc.) and Re-locatable Habitat Units (RHUs), which are buildings currently styled as Afghan huts. Military personnel undergo live tactical training at various ST/OPS sites across the United States. In San Diego, the Hyper-Realistic Simulation Lab, or HR Sim Lab, is a demonstration site also used for actual training events.

Strategic Operations has found the latest enhancements to OnSSI's NetDVMS with Ocularis Client Lite software particularly useful. Capabilities such as the Time Slicer and Motion Slicer, the Kinetic Motion Timeline and digital pan-tilt-zoom views are used after a training exercise when participants gather in a classroom for the After Action Review (AAR). Specific events from the previous exercise are played back, and precise points in the video are analysed to assess performance. The training provides "stress inoculation" in both the mind and body to prepare participants for actual life-threatening events.

"We are proud that Strategic Operations is able to leverage the same OnSSI software capabilities that are so useful to security professionals as they analyse and respond to events in the real world," said Gadi Piran, President and Chief Technology Officer, OnSSI. "Such is the value of instant access to video. In addition to helping to prepare our soldiers for war, the ST/OPS application illustrates the flexibility to combine real-time response with powerful capabilities to investigate incidents after the fact."

The integrator of the OnSSI system at the HR Sim Lab is Security Consulting and Integration, LLC, San Diego. The integrator previously implemented OnSSI's NetDVR software at six sites for the U.S. Navy. After installing OnSSI software at the HR Sim Lab, Security Consulting and Integration (SCI) will implement it within three to six months at other military sites, with the new installations providing improved functionality for the After Action Review. "We are especially interested in OnSSI's integration with other leading edge technologies to expand system functionality," said Ed Michelson, President of SCI.

For more information on OnSSI, call +1 845 732 7900, e-mail or visit its website.