15 Apr 2009
DIGIOP Cares supports Mission 500

We are proud to announce that we are now supporting Mission 500, the security industry's response to children in crisis and part of World Vision.

Mission 500 provides food, housing, clean water, education, health and much more to children and families in crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean. At this time, Mission 500 has raised more than $65,000 in donations and currently sponsors 193 children. Mission 500 gives 100% of every donation to the cause.

In April, DIGIOP team members will be staying in Mexico for the Expo Seguridad tradeshow. During this time, the team will be visiting children in the area that are supported by Mission 500.

We invite you to please join us in supporting this very important mission as we reach out to those less fortunate than us through Mission 500's online giving.

Regardless if you can sponsor a child or give $1, every bit can help to give a child a better life and a brighter future. Be sure to check back for pictures and stories of the team's visit to Mexico.

Thank you for your support of DIGIOP Cares!